

How do you know that the other person is in love with you?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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The person will always listen to you. They will try to hang out with as much as they can. They will always help you when you have problems. Depending on whether they're a girl or boy they will give you small gifts most likely a boy will do that, but a girl might do it too. They will usually hug you too

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Q: How do you know that the other person is in love with you?
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You will know that you love someone when you know you are willing to do anything for that person. Real love is uncondictional love.

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You let the other person know, and most likely she/he will love you back.

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sometimes but it depends if you know the person or you just got to know the person

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Love grow's if you and that particular person feel's the same way about each other. Love cannot be forced. So get to know this person before you try and love him/she.Hope i helped!

How does one know if he or she is in love?

He or she will know by the feeling in the pit of their stomach, they will get butterflies in their stomach. They will also know they are in love by the way the other person makes them feel.

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yea because you never know the one who needs my love u to n you might not know but you have something for that person in that person might be the one.But i say forget that other person.

How do you know that you really are in love?

You get a feeling that you will be together with the other person unconditionally. You will know this feeling all on your own. No one can figure it out for you. The person you feel you love will be "the one" when you are content solely being in their company. This is the best answer I can give. Truly only you will know when you are in love. And when you are, you will know it unmistakably.

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how do you know if you love the other person?ans: you always think of him/her 24 hours a day. as if b4 you sleep and he/she is the first thing/person that/who comes into your mind when you wake up.What to do if you are in a relationship but you think your in love with some one else?first, you shoud analyze & realize if you are really in love with the other person, & that person feels something for you too.second, ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.& third, (f u really love the other person) talk honestly to the person whom you have relationship with and tell him/her the truth.face the consequences bravely.

What you know you are in love?

How to know you are in love, signs includes thinking of the person. Also you want to be with the person you are in love with, also wanting to please the person.

Is friendship better or love?

Friendship is better if you don't know how the other person feels but if you do know then i say go for it

Do you have to have to be a lady to know what love means?

A person does not have to be a lady to know what love it. Both sexes can experience love when they find the right person. If they fall in love, they will generally marry that person.

How can you tell if you're still in love?

You will know by the way you feel towards the person and the way the other person makes you feel.