

How do you know what breed hamsters are?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Syrian hamsters are the largest by far.

Chinese hamsters have a proportionally longer tail than any other hamster species.

Campbell's Russian Dwarf hamsters, and Winter White hamsters are easily distinguished from the other breeds, but harder to distinguish between the two. Winter Whites turn white in winter as they shed their darker fur, and the paler fur grows thicker. However the two species can interbreed, and your dwarf hamster may be a hybrid.

Roborovski's Dwarf Hamsters are significantly smaller than other dwarf hamsters.

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2 hamsters It really depends on the type of hamster you want to breed. Get back to me when you know. E-mail-

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Do not breed your hamsters until you learn that "Black Bear" is not a breed and all hamsters breed the same. Do research.

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You can not breed baby hamsters they must grow up before they can do that.

When should you breed your hamsters?

a month after both hamsters' births

Why do people breed hamsters?

people breed hamsters so there can be more of its kind like if it where rare they would want there to be more of those cute fuzzy hamsters

Is there any hamster breed that gets along?

Syrian hamsters (the most common hamsters) don't get along.Dwarf hamsters can be put together because they enjoy company. Dwarf hamsters get along with other dwarf hamsters of the same breed.

How do you make dwarf hamsters?

By breeding them. Dwarf hamsters are a breed of hamster.

Can dwarf hamsters be bred with albino hamsters?

If they are the same breed, then yes.

Do hamsters breed during the day or at night?

hamsters can breed during both day and night, but since they are nocturnal they usually do so at night.