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You know when a boy likes you when he...

  • stares at you
  • makes you laugh or in other words flirts with you.
  • when ever you look at him and he was already looking!
  • he always moves closer to you.
  • he takes your stuff so you will follow him.
  • he will sneak up behind and try to wrap his arm around you
  • stares at you
  • flirts with you(makes you laugh)
  • tries to hold you hand
  • tries to put his arms around you
  • if he teases you or makes fun or you
  • he protects you or when he is always on your side
  • tries to push you away from your friends to talk to you alone
  • tells you complements in front of your friends or his friends
  • when he ask you for your phone number
  • when he lets you lean on him or when he lets you get on his back for a piggy back ride
  • when he lets you sit in his lap
  • ask you questions like "whats your favorite color" or whats your favorite animal"(etc.)
  • helps you with something that you don't really need help in
  • He will like you when he's starring at your mouth, he wants to kiss you.
  • If a boy likes you he will stare at you and find reasons to be around you whenever he can.
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9y ago
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14y ago

he will blush when he talks to u , u catch him staring at u wiv dreamy eyes, when he sees you he stummbles or trips, he askes u out, he buys u gifts, when u talk to him and his friends his friends make up something and leave and many more...

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14y ago

1. Tell him you are do not like him. 2. Do not talk to him. 3. Do like at him inules you have to. 4. Do noy do 1 and 2 hat i whot. 5. Tell a teacher. One time this hapined and he tried to kiss me whin I was not locking. I tried 1,2,3,4,and 5. The tacher toled me if he tuked me to tell her. He liked every girl on the bus some where in the 1,2,3,4,and 5. He was in 5 grade and I was in 4 grade.

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12y ago

You don't. You can never know for sure how another person is thinking or feeling.

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13y ago

when he look at u, he keep talk about u, he act different around u. then he like u

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14y ago

when he is looking at u everyday or sometimes!^_^

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Q: How do you know when a boy like you?
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all you do is be your self and he will like you i know you dont want to know that but its the truth and you need a boy to like you as you are and not a fake personality!

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Yes there is, you will know its the boy for you when you feel it in your heart

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Find a boy that you like or want to be friends with and talk to him. If you befriend a boy, you will soon get to know other boys, and they will get to know you. If no boys like you, it's probably because they don't really know you. Have them get to know the real you and they will like you.

How do i know a boy like me?

You will never know if you don't ask.

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i dont know who is he ??

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By asking him.

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Cut ya hair boy-like. Change your "Ya know" to a boy's "Ya know". Cut off your breas(Not saying any more). I AM GIRL HOW DO I KNOW!!Answered for you by Emily Haverty.

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Do soulja boy like ciara because i want to know now i love soulja boy but it like he have a girlfriend 2 me

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Get to know him!

What do you do if you like this boy you don't know and you also think he likes you?

get to know him!