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when the gills stop breathing or when you poke it and it stops moving and some fishes float to the bottom when they first die and then they''ll start to float up because they release gas .

Main signs that your fish will be dead is if there is no movement and it is being carried along by the water current. Also check for any visible signs of disease. If you cannot tell a classic sign will be using a net to gently move towards or possible touch the fish and if there is no reaction your fish is likely to be dead, generally your fish wont float at the surface unless sufferin from diseases such as dropsy.

If it is discovered that your fish isnt dead check for disease and odd behaviour. It is also possible that your fish is resting as throughout the day your fish will rest at the bottom of the tank.

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Q: How do you know when a mosquito fish is dead?
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What do mosquito fish eat?

A mosquito fish mainly feeds on mosquito larvae in the wild but in captivity a mosquito fish eats it's fry or leaves off of plants

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on my own understanding, a mosquito fish is a consumer :)

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Yes, mosquito fish eat duck weed

Is Mosquito fish a producer?

no it is a decomposer , it drinks blood

Can mosquito fish eat fish food?

Yes they will eat anything. They are like little Pirhanas. We dont feed ours. We just let them eat the tadpoles and dead yabbies and the fish poo etc. Ours is a self supporting aquarium. Mosquito fish are well suited to this. When tank gets scarce, we just take the scoop net to the swamp and catch some more.

Why are mosquito fish called a mosquito fish?

Mosquitofish (one word) is a nickname giving to a species of fish (Gambusia) that feed on mosquito larvae and pupae.

What animal specie does a mosquito fish eat?

Mosquito larvae

How do you know if mosquito fish are boys or girls?

The female has a triangular anal fin. In the male this fin is elongated into a long point. This fin carries milt (sperm) like a penis and is called a "gonopodium".

Is a mosquito a consu.?

A mosquito fish is a consumer. It is consumer because it eats elodea or other plants. Mosquito fish are herbivores. Meaning they only eat plants.

What eats a Mosquito Fish?

Larger Fish, Yabbies