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You cannot know - it is private. ( You can only know who visited your suite )

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Q: How do you know when somebody has voted you covergirl on stardoll?
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Who was stardolls first member?

I know who it is! Her name is: misspunk89. She is an emo, and is really cool.Go and visit her! Stardoll have rewound her year though because she hasbeen on for so long. Vote her covergirl!

Who is the best stardoll member ever?

I dont know every stardoll member but out of all my friends srkaseta is the best stardoll member! She is so nice and beautiful! She also owns one of the hottest clubs on stardoll called covergirl_Tips7! She will answer any questions you have. In my eyes she is the best member! She is also running for covergirl so please vote for her! Thanks! bye:)

What is NCG in stardoll?

It's basically a 2nd covergirl, but less covergirl, if that makes sense? Like, the main covergirl is the SD that got the most votes, and the NCG's are the covergirls from all over the world. Like, xxprettyxx114, UK, covergirl. Aimie., SPAIN, covergirl. So on and so on. From different countries, they are all SS. It's really hard for me to explain seeing as I don't really know myself. But I hope you got the grip of this anyway. If you're still confused, ask other SD staff. Sorry if I weren't clear enough.

Who gets the most boys on stardoll?

Hey! I have a friend named srkaseta on stardoll and I know all the boys want her. She dosnt date so you can become friends with her and I bet she will give you names of some boys:) She is really nice! Also please vote her for covergirl! Thanks! I hope this helped!

What are all the clubs on stardoll that give free things?

I dont know all the clubs on stardoll but I am part of a club called Covergirl_Tips7, owned by srkaseta and there is alot of contests on there. She gives out awesome gifts if you win so check it out! Also visit her page and vote her for covergirl! Thank you! I hope this helped!

Who has the most dresses on star doll?

I haven been on stardoll for that long but I know my friend srkaseta has ALOT of dresses! She is really nice so if you have questions about them just ask her! Also vote her for covergirl! I hope this helped:)

How do you level up on stardoll?

Collect starpoints by doing stuff on the site- liking voting covergirl or designing stuff. You know the bar next to you little medoll pic and name on the upper right corner? That bar will fill up with green the more starpoints you get. When it's filled, you will level. Anyway, there IS an FAQ in stardoll if you have any more questions, so go there next time for a more complete answer (: -nikkiiGOESrawr on stardoll

What are a list of things to say to pursuade people to join stardoll club?

Run contests on your club, and let them know what is involved in it, like for example tell everyone your club is running a contest for covergirl. or your giving free stuff. but you actully have to do that or they'll leave.

Does Michael Jackson have a stardoll?

His picture is on stardoll. I don't know is he has on or not.

What is igotswag1234 password on stardoll?

How are we supposed to know? Lol, ask her/him if you wanna know. -nikkiiGOESrawr on stardoll

Does covergirl like to do animal testing?

i dont know. however, i know that they still do animal testing.:(

What is spuzzola's password on stardoll?

How should we know? Ask her/him! Lol. -nikkiiGOESrawr on stardoll