

How do you know your hanster is died?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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look inside the cage to see if they are breathing if not take them out and ask mom and dad to help you.

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14y ago

its not moving or breathing and looks unconscious

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14y ago

Well dwarf hamsters usually get the Smrien disease and there for die quite often. To tell they are dead poke them with a stick and if they let out a low pitched squeal they are alive.

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How many people died because of your health care?

well only doctors know this answer but when you see funerals you think they maybe died from smoking health issues or murder i really dont know the answer but hope that this help

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You don't really know, unless you have a large cavity and you can see that the insides are black or gone. and do you think you have a dead tooth? EWWWWW.

How could you feel your hamster without you getting biten?

You have to train your hanster to get used to you. Hamsters bite your two reasons, firstly because they are scared and secondly because they think that your fingers might be good to eat. First, it is a good idea to hold food in your fingertips, and let the hamster take the fod from your fingers. After a few days of this, you can move onto touching your hamster gently. The hamster still may try to eat your fingers, if so just move away your hand quickly. When your hanster gets more used to you touching it, you can start letting it crawl onto your hand. Place food into the middle of your hand and let the hamster crawl on by itself. If the hamster still tries to eat your hand (quite common) you can place a towel over your hand so if the hamster bites, you will not get hurt. After this, you can start trying to pick up your hamster in your fingers. This will distress the hamster the most so firstly, pick it up for just a little then out down. Gradually extend the holding time and reward the hamster with a treet after each trial. Hamsters require a lot of careful handling and patience. This process takes maybe a month. Good luck.

Your hamster was found frozen dead in her cage and part of her insides were coming out her behind does any one know what happened?

Your hamster died, get a new one.

How do you take care of a dorf hanster?

Ensure the pet has hamster food and water in his cage at all times. Make sure there is not any excessive moisture in the cage. Keep the hammy at least at 68 degrees. Change water daily. Put a exercise wheel in his cage. Put a good bedding down, they love to be able to bury in the bedding. Be sure to talk and handle him at least 2 or 3 times a week if not daily to ensure he is use to human interaction; otherwise, you'll have a hammy who's always trying to jump out of your hands. Good Luck.

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