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Realize that you should be very important to this person and that you and your feelings should matter at all times to your significant other. If this is not the way it is, you take all the strength you can muster, pack your bags and go. You say they have taken you back like they did you a favor. Any relationship takes two people giving 100% to each other at all times. Consideration, compassion and caring at all times. Yes, they will be rough times and disagreements but those should be far and few in between and should be compromised upon. Without all of these elements present you dont have a committed relationship you have a convience.

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Q: How do you let go of someone you love if they have taken you back and they love you but you are number two?
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If they truly love you they will come back to you.

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When you believe they love you back.

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If they don't love you back already then I don't think that ther're really your true love. You can't make someone love.Thenfind someone that loves u.