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Aircraft have many antennas. Depending on what radio and navigation equipment the aircraft is equipped with a Cessna 172 will have 2 or 3 antennas on top of the fuselage between the wings and/or aft of the cabin. Frequently 172's are equipped with a wire antenna stretched from a point between the wings to the top of the horizontal stabilizer. It is also common for small aircraft such as the 172 to have 2 or 3 antennas on the bottom of the aircraft.

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Q: How do you locate the antennae on a Cessna C172?
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How much does it cost to rent an airplane?

It varies. In some parts of the county, you can rent a C172 wet for $80/hr. A new model C172 or Piper may run around $150/hr wet.

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Some of the different models of the Cessa airplane are; Cessna 400, Cessna 510, Cessna 525, Cessna 560XL, Cessna 680, and Cessna 750. Each different Cessna plane varies in size, purpose, and capability.

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How many antennae does a mealworm have?

a mealworm does not have antennae. instead, it has feelers located on its head, but that are quite different than antennae. they do not serve any function besides allowing the mealworm to move around better. mealworms have terrible eye sight, therefore to locate meals, obstacles, or even family/mates, they use their feelers to move as a blind man uses a cane.