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When you cut the lock off the dumpster (bolt cutters are in Puerto Rico), bring the old door back into the restroom. Together, the directions read:

"Right Left, Over the cleft,

Left Right, Into the night,

Right Right Shudder with fright,

Left Left, Mother bereft"

On the motocycle, drive the road into the forest and at the forks in the road, go left, right, right, left, right, right, left, and left. You should be at a dead end circle. Use your matches to light the lantern and press the blue circle that says "look around."

*The shortcut to the circle is right, left - right left - right left.

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Q: How do you look at the writing on the stall door on cryptids island?
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You need the bolt cutters from the upper left star at Puerto Rico. Cut the lock and take the old door back into the restroom.

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Stall means 2 things. I will tell u the apropreat 1. The door on a sit down toilet.

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It is in the dumpster outside of the restrooms. You will need the bolt cutter from Puerto Rico.

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One door from the restroom has been removed. Cut the dumpster lock with the bolt cutters from Puerto Rico (upper left star), and bring the junk door back onto the restroom. (Besides directions, you need matches from the pub and a lantern from the Himalayas.)