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Unfortunately, you cannot loop video in Windows Movie Maker (any version).

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Q: How do you loop a video in movie maker 5?
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Can windows movie maker edit a 5 minute video and is there a limit to how long the video can be?

Yes. Windows Movie Maker can edit a 5 minute video with ease. And, no, there isn't really any limit to how long a video can be.

How do you put a video backwards on windows movie maker?

The easiest way it to use the free K-5 Video Reversal Tool. Just input your video and click "start". Perfect for windows movie maker users.

How can I add special effects to a movie in Windows Live Movie Maker such as slow motion like I could in Windows Movie Maker 2?

well if you wish to slow a video down, add it to windows live movie maker, then click the edit tab that appears when you click on the video. then just reduce the speed to .5, .25, or .125

Why are your video clips limited to 5 seconds on Windows movie maker?

Video clips are not limited to 5 seconds in Windows Movie Maker. They are limited to whatever length originally recorded. Perhaps you meant pictures/photos? If so, you can stretch the clip on the time-line view so that it is displayed longer than the 5 second default.

What is a good free movie making program for windows xp?

5 best free video editing software:Windows Movie Maker 2.6iMovie 4Portable Movie MakervRevealYoutube Movie Maker

How do you put a video into Windows Movie Maker?

So you have your video clip(s) on your movie maker. Now you have to click on the one you want to shorten. Then click on the right side of the clip, and pull it in to the left. Your clip is shorter. Another way to speed it up is to use effects. go to the top of the page, it should say tools somewhere in there, then click on video effects. scroll down and it says speed up double now you sound like a chipmunk!

How do I put a movie made on Windows Movie Maker on YouTube?

1. make sure the movie is finished and published 2. Sign into your YouTube account 3. There is a button next to the search bar that says "upload." Click on it and hit the "browse" button. 4. Find your video and click ok or upload 5. give your video a name and wait for YouTube to process it.

How do you stop Windows Movie Maker 5 from freezing everytime you tell it to do something-When it freezes i have to use Ctnl Alt Del to close it and then open it again btu then it does it again?

There is no Windows Movie Maker 5.It's either v2.1 (for Xp) or v2.6 f(or Vista).In any case, it sounds like there are some issues with whichever version you are using. I would suggest you uninstall the program and reinstall it from one of the URLs I've posted below:Windows Movie Maker v2.1 (for Xp): Movie Maker v2.6 (for Vista):

What kind of programs are required to make a movie?

More InfoEasily you can use Windows Movie Maker to make movies, it is a windows software and easy to use. And if you want to do something special in your movie than you can download Ulead Video Studio from google. It is a movie maker software. In this software you can cut any movie and use as per your requirement. If you will spent your 5 to 8 days for practice on it than you can make your movie easily with more options. It is a good software to make and edit Movies.

How do you loop a youtube video?

1. Upload a video. 2. Go to "Annotations". 3. Add a pause. 4. Make the start for example 0:00:14.0 if that is the last second of your video. 5. Make the duration 0:00:00.1. 6. Save it and publish it. 7. It should now loop. YOUR WELCOME.

How to Use Window Movie Maker?

If you have Windows XP or Vista, you don't need to go out and buy expensive audio video media equipment. Window XP and Vista come with a great and easy to use audio video media program called Movie Maker. Here you will be shown how to make your first presentation in Movie Maker using images from your files. Step 1: Make sure you are using Windows XP or Vista and open up Movie Maker. Step 2: When Movie Maker starts up, you will be presented with the Movie Maker screen. Step 3: On the left side of the screen there will be “Movie Task View”. This area provides links to many different tasks you can do with your movie. Take a minute to look at each one. Step 4: In the middle of the screen is the “Collect View”. This shows all your files imported to your movie such as images, videos, and sounds. Step 5: The right hand side will have the “Preview” screen. This is where you can preview your movie as you create it. Step 6: The bottom section is where you drag all of your images, videos, and sounds for your movie. This section is the “Story Board”. Step 7: In the next few steps you will be importing images from your computer to your movie. Step 8: In the “Movie Tasks” section click on the “Capture Video” link. Step 9: Now click on the “Import Images” link and locate the folder that contains the images to be placed in the movie. Step 10: Select the images you wish to import into your movie. Step 11: When you are done selecting your images and importing them, they all should appear in the center of Movie Maker in the “Collections View”. Click on each image to view them in the “Preview” section. Step 12: Drag your images down to the “Story Board” section. Place them in the order you want to them appear in your movie. This is where you will be making your movie. Step 13: Make sure to save your movie. Your movie will be saved in the Movie Maker format, .MSWMM. While saved in this format, you can continue to edit the movie at a later time. You will also have the option to save the movie in other video formats. But when you save them in other video formats you won't be able to continue editing the movie. You have just completed your first basic movie using Windows Movie Maker. You may have noticed in step 9 when you imported you images, there were links to import video and import audio. To add a video and/or audio to your movie you simply do the exact same things you did to add the images. There are many other features and effects you can do, so play around with it and burn a DVD movie of your own making.

How do get rid of audio from video files?

1. Open the video in Windows Movie Maker (my version is for Vista, I don't know if this works in previous versions). 2. Drag the video into the timeline. 3. You will see a + sign on the left in timeline, on the beginning of the video. Just click it and it will split into three lines: Video, Transition and Audio. 4. Right click on audio file on the line and choose Mute. 5. Convert into a new video