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If you are not overweight, losing a lot of weight will be more difficult. In order to lose weight, you will have to consume fewer calories, and get more exercise. Be sure to start the day with a healthy breakfast in order to boost your metabolism.

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Q: How do you lose a lot of weight if you are not overweight already?
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I'm overweight and want to lose it. What are some weight loss diet plans I can use?

Many overweight people are looking for a quick and reliable way to lose weight. The truth is that there is no way to quickly and effectively lose weight and it takes a lot of work and careful meal planning to keep the weight from coming back.

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No body is certain of how many. But some of them are trying to lose weight. Some are not. I guess a lot. But i am not sure.

How much weight can you lose by fasting if you weight 225?

Not much, fasting doesn't work. If you want to lose weight do not eat any junk and do an elimination diet by not eating wheat. I know someone who is on the diet and has already lost a lot of weight!

How can one lose their weight fast?

While losing weight fast is something a lot of overweight people want, sometimes it is not possible. It will help to eliminate sugary and refined carbohydrates which can make you hungry. Stick to protein, water and some green veggies and losing weight should be easy. Lose weight at a steady pace. Rushing to lose weight is a risk factor in having a lot of saggy skin. If you are tempted by a donut, remember that knowing you beat temptation is a better feeling than the taste of a donut. The more you resist, the easier it gets. Have confidence in yourself no matter how long it takes. Some people lose weight faster than others. The more overweight you are, the faster you will lose.

Will a vegetarian diet enable you to lose weight in one week?

It can help you lose weight. Many people who are trying to lose weight want a "quick fix" which does not work in the long run. You must establish healthy long term habits if you are to maintain a healthy weight.I've seen overweight vegetarians! If a vegetarian eats a lot of simple carbohydrates and fat, he/she can become overweight.Whether or not you are a vegetarian, you must eat healthy to maintain a healthy weight.

Can alcohol help lose weight?

no alcohol contains a lot of sugar, stay away from it in order to lose weight

If you are anorexic and throw up how much weight do you lose monthly?

You will lose a lot of weight..when you die and your body is corroded

Is it healthy to lose a lot of weight in 2 weeks?

Not really but it depends on the method you're using to lose weight

Past tense of you lose a lot of weight?

the past tense of lose is lostExample: You lost a lot of weight doing those exercises I recommended. Very good!

How much weight will you lose from fasting if you are 5 feet 5 inches and 120 pounds if fasting for twelve days?

Actually, you won't lose much weight because a five foot, five person who weighs 120 pounds is basically already at it's ideal weight, henceforth, it would be hard for a lean person to lose a lot of weight through fasting. Actually, the more overweight you are, the more weight you lose through fasting and overweight people lose lots of weight through fasting faster as well. :) Hope this helps!!

Is 1 kilo a lot of weight to lose?

Not really, no.

How do you lose a lot of weight in 3 days?

get lyposuction