

How do you lose water weight healthy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Hi, exercising is the best way, though you can purchase a herbal duretic at a health food shop, though it could be a good idea to see your doctor as the causes of water retention vary, my water retention was due to medication.

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16y ago
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Q: How do you lose water weight healthy?
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no...thats not healthy and itll ruin ur metabolism and all the weight u lose will be water weight. take it from experience and lose weight the healthy way

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No, permanent weight loss can only be achieved by eating healthy and exercise.

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The healthiest way to lose weight is to change the foods you eat.If you eat healthier foods, and drink plenty of water along with an exercise routine you will lose weight.

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Drinks lots of water do some exercise and eat healthy!

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Do not lose any weight , you are already UNDERWEIGHT for your height, this is NOT healthy.

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Depends on your health and your weight.

When you only drink water do you lose weight and look skinny?

That's absolutely not healthy... And you can die of drinking too much water all the time. And 1 liter water is 1 kg so you can't see if you lose weight.

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One can lose three pounds by watching the foods they eat and drinking plenty of water. Exercise is also a healthy way to lose weight.

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you can lose weight quickly by eating healthy that means not to eat fats and to be active also you should drink water not soda

Has anyone tried loose 18lbl in 4 days if you have did it work?

The only way for someone to lose 18lbs in 4 days without having surgery is if they lost water weight. Losing water weight is not the same thing as losing fat weight, as within a couple of days you will gain the water weight back. There is no quick way to lose fat weight, you must exercise and eat healthy foods, and the weight will slowly come off. Any advertisments saying lose weight quick do not work, or are extremly unhealthy. The only way for someone to lose 18lbs in 4 days without having surgery is if they lost water weight. Losing water weight is not the same thing as losing fat weight, as within a couple of days you will gain the water weight back. There is no quick way to lose fat weight, you must exercise and eat healthy foods, and the weight will slowly come off. Any advertisments saying lose weight quick do not work, or are extremly unhealthy. The only way for someone to lose 18lbs in 4 days without having surgery is if they lost water weight. Losing water weight is not the same thing as losing fat weight, as within a couple of days you will gain the water weight back. There is no quick way to lose fat weight, you must exercise and eat healthy foods, and the weight will slowly come off. Any advertisments saying lose weight quick do not work, or are extremly unhealthy.

I want to lose weight, what can I do?

Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you. The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian, who can compare your weight with healthy norms to help you set realistic goals

I was wondering what are good healthy foods for weight lose?

Fruits, vegitables, and exercise are the best way to lose weight! If you drink lots of water it can also help speed up your weight lost! Try to drink at least eight glasses of water each day!