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Q: How do you make Siberian insect repellant?
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How do you make analysis of data in investigatory project homemade insect repellant?

Chili and Kamias

Can guyabano leaves act as insect repellant?

YES!, just add garlic and ginger for this kind of repellant

Investigatory project on lemongrass as an insect repellant?

because of the smell ..(sour and fragrant )

Is Buzz Off marketed as an effective insect repellant?

"yes, the lemon and eucalyptus ingredient mix that makes up Buzz Off makes an effective insect repellant for all types of flying, crawling and slithering insects."

What is the Precautions of off insect repellent?

Insect repellant must be kept away from small children as consuming the product can result in the irritation of the skin and in some cases, the termination of the child. When in possession of insect repellant,be sure to wear gloves. The chemicals within the substance can irritate the skin. If you happen to come into contact with the repellant,be sure to use soap and water to cleanse your hands of chemical

Can insect bites and stings be prevented?

Insect repellant can help prevent insect bites and stings. Those with concentrated amounts of DEET stay effective longer.

Is there anything you can spray in your clothes to keep springtail bugs off?

Citronella is an insect repellant.

What is the best natural insect repellant for Gnats that you can use on your Face?

Vanilla extract is a very effective gnat repellant. Buy a cheap brand it works as well as an expensive brand.

Why does insect will die if you spray them an insect repellant?

Insect repellents are useful to prevent bites, skin eruptions and rashes that may be caused by an insect's bite. They die because they get poisoned by the repellents hence they kill them instantly.

What are the precautions associated with using calendula?

Not to be used during pregnancy. Not to be confused with the French marigold Tagetes patula which is an insect repellant.

Why are mint leaves considered insect repellant?

Because insects dont go near them. this is why it is often seen growing near doors.

How do you make lemongrass insect repellant? need to boil the lemon grass 2.then add some garlic to the boiled lemongrass 3.then add some rubbing alchol..then test it. By:Rafael Joshua Coronel