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Depends. If it's a toy boat, you find something that float: plastic, cardboard, lightweight wood etc. Then, you take a two small sticks and attach like and L. Turn the L around, and then attach a piece of cloth onto it. Then attach the sail to your boat.

To make a real boat, big or small, the simplest way is to make a regular boat (preferably wood), and then maker the sail thing again, and attach it onto the boat.

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Q: How do you make a boat that sails by the wind and float in water?
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by making a boat and that way a boat can float anytime in water

How do you make metal float but not on water?

I can make a iron nail float. Simply melt some lead and the iron will float on top of the lead. Your question seems to be with regard to how do Boats float and the answer is Bouyancy. The Boat displaces a volume of water and if the weight of the displaced water is less than the weight of the boat, the boat will float.

What is the key to making a boat float?

The key to make a boat float is that the boat should weigh less (or have less mass) than the water it displaces.

Does adding certain substances to water make boats float better?

Yes, if it makes the water denser, the boat will float easier. For example, it is easier to float in salty water.

Does cobalt float?

no cobalt does not float on water, it has no way for air to seap through, there fore, it cant float

Does the kind of water you float a boat in make a difference?

yes, if the water has salt in it it will be denser than if it does not, therefore the boat will float more easily e.g. the dead sea. if it's tap water or other water other factors will affect it.

What can you make a boat out of that will float?

anything you want that can float. You can be creative.

Does silver float?

No gold is more dense than water so it sinks and in the gold rush in Cali they paned underwater

Can you make a penny float?

Put it on a boat?

Does tin float?

Tin's density is greater than water, so a solid lump of tin will not float. But you can make a boat out of it if it contains air and does not leak.

If a boat is floating in water with stones in it then stones are put in water what will happen to water level?

Same as when these stones were in boat when the stone in boat ,water need more V to make float power the same weight as the stone's. so lower level when these stones are in water.

What is the best boat shape to make it float?
