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irst, it is important to learn how to muscle-test, getting yes and no, strong or weak, responses. This way we will learn how to test before LOVE and how to test after. We can see the empowerment of

L O V E.

To muscle test if you are not familiar with this, hold your strongest arm out to your side and while being strong as possible let someone push down on it at the wrist. Test your strength then put the question or statement in your free hand and test again. If your test stronger then the statement is true, if weaker it is false. You can use this method to get the answer to any question as long as it can be answered with a yes or no answer. You are literally asking Source for the answer and source will never lie to you.

I have been testing this for a long time. It works every time. Because the future is not set, questions about the future which are true at the time of asking can change because some event changed changing the future. Most true clairvoyants won’t answer questions about someone’s future because they have figured this out. You can use muscle testing to test the energy in any object, word or statement. When you put the word love in someone's hand they will go strong. The word fear; they will go weak. Negative words, thoughts and objects have low frequencies or low energy which drag the frequency of the body down in to a lower balance making the body weaker and susceptible to disease.

You can help yourself to be more ready for the coming raising of the human and Earth consciousness by writing the word love on everything you put into and on your body. Drink water from containers that you have put the word love on beforehand. When you write the word love on your electric box at your home you will energize every appliance in your home to emit the frequency of love. I will tell you that you have also energized the entire electric grid of your neighborhood to do the same thing.

You can test this by microwaving a cracker and muscle testing it. Then write love inside your electric fuse box, re-microwave the cracker and re-muscle test it. Since Source is nothing but Unconditional Love, this will give everyone a leg up on getting ready to become Love.

By the way, if you draw a glass of water from your sink into a container with the word LOVE on it, you will be energizing the entire water supply for your neighborhood. Why? Quantum physics says that once something has been connected, and you separate it, the separated electrons will continue to communicate amongst themselves, no matter what the distance of the separation. This is called Quantum Entanglement; look it up. Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance.” This revelation shook Einstein up. After you draw the glass of water with the word LOVE on it, draw a second glass that does not have LOVE on it

and muscle test it. I think you will be quite surprised. Go next door and draw a glass of water from their sink and muscle test it to prove this is true.

Here is something everyone can do, anywhere. Write the word LOVE in the air with your finger while you are pointing your finger at anything from a plate of food, a bottle of water, an entire lake, to all the air in a room. There is nothing you can’t energize with the frequency of LOVE with your finger. You can muscle test this to prove it is true.

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No, being in love is a natural and common experience that typically involves strong emotions and attachment to another person. It is not considered a psychological problem unless it leads to harmful or dysfunctional behaviors.

What is the difference between physiological and psychological needs?

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William glasser's theory on psychological basic needs?

William Glasser's Choice Theory states that humans have five basic psychological needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun. According to Glasser, mental health is achieved when these needs are met in a satisfying way. He emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and the ability to make choices in meeting these needs.

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