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If you mean how do you save a particular image, just click on 'file' on the menu-bar at the top of the screen. Select 'save' - this will drop down another menu, select 'save image' and fill in the details in the new box that pops up.

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Q: How do you make a file on Google Earth?
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In Google Earth you can place a "placemarker" and save it to your hrad drive as a ".kml" "kmz" file that file can be sent by email and openen by Google Earth. You can put many placemarks with attached information in one and the same "kmz" file.

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Saved places are stored in a local file named myplaces.kml. This file is stored in a different location than the Google Earth application data so uninstalling or reinstalling Google Earth has no effect on the saved places.Reinstalling Google Earth will use the previous saved places data if available otherwise it will create the initial saved places if none existed before.

How do you plot acreage?

An easy and relative accurate way is by marking the area to be measured in Google Earth and exporting it as a KML file. It is then possible to easily view this file again in Google Earth or on Google maps Google Earth Professional allows you measure acreage, but it is quite expensive if all you are interested in is measuring area. There are cheaper programs like EasyAcreage ( that uses the KML export methods that exists in the standard free version of Google Earth to calculate acreage.

How do you email a view in Google Earth?

Open File menu in Google Earth and select "Email" with two options: 1) Email view and 2) Email image. Select Email view to e-mail a KMZ file of the view which will lauch in Google Earth at the destination or select Email image to e-mail an screenshot image of the current view.

What are tallest buildings in every country?

You'll see when you download the kmz. file from Google Earth Hacks.

How to download Google Earth on Chrome?

Google Earth provides a free client for non-business uses. Just visit the download page on google earth web site (see related links below).Next you may want to uncheck these check boxes unless you want to download Google Chrome web browser and make it your default browser.[ ] Include Google Chrome, a fast new browser for Windows and Mac[ ] Google Chrome Make Google Chrome my default browser.Click 'Agree and Download' and a small setup program (e.g. 550 KB) is downloaded to your computer. Select 'Save File' (or equivalent) and run that file (e.g. GoogleEarthSetup.exe) when it is done downloading.After it is installed successfully you can start using Google Earth.

How do you get 1 page removed from the Google index?

You can add the URL of the particular page you want to be removed from Google index to the robots.txt file. To create a proper robot.txt file make use of the Google webmaster tool.

Where does Google Earth go once you have downloaded it?

When you download Google Earth it usually is saved in the temporary file folder unless you explicitly picked the download location. The Firefox web browser, for example, provides a downloads window showing what was downloaded and where it was saved locally.Next, you run the installer (e.g. GoogleEarthWin.exe) to install the application.

What if your photos are on Google Earth?

If a photo of you is on Google Earth, then they will make your face appear "fuzy", so it's impossible to clearly see.

How do you get the most updated map?

As I've been searching over the internet. The most updated maps can be found in Google (either by or through Google Earth 4.3). Using Google Earth, you can zoom in to the street level, make labels and then save the photo as JPG file. You can also try wikimapia. It's based on Google maps but with additions from users (same concept as wikipedia) Have Fun. Cheer, Mohammad