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You can't the only reason they are friends in common is because they are in the same network.this isent allways true

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Q: How do you make a friend in common on msn?
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How many friends are you allowed on msn?

you are allowed 1 friend on msn!

My best friend her boyfriend and I got into a fight on msn which ended up in a lot of tears how do i make it up to them?

if i were you i would tell them your sorry and i would stay off msn for a little bit!

How do you cancel a friend request on msn?

MSN have been replaced with Skype. When someone friend request you you will get a notice and a message from that user on the right side. From there you can choose to accept or not.

Does Fernando Torres have msn?

yes he does i have added him great friend

How can I break into a friend's MSN?

It think it would be an invation of there privacy to do that.

Can you automatically accept friend requests on msn?

its not really safe to do that....

How do you make your friend not move?

tell her/him they've got loads of friends and you'll miss them. if not get a mobile number, msn address and hope for the best.

Are there games on MSN?

Yes There Are Quite A Few Games On Msn, Simply Click A Friend On Chat, At The Top Of The Chat Click Games And Browse And Play The Many Games On Msn!

How do you add people in common on msn?

you cant

Has Miley Cyrus got a msn?

yes i think, my friend gave me this msn i don't know if its true but try it when she is in the UK :)

How do you make msn moving display pics?

you do this ('.') and then it will come up as a bunny on msn

How do you add people as friends in common on msn?

you cant