

How do you change the background color of your website's navigation bar using CSS?

Something like this would work, emphasis on the style attribute. Replace #000000 with any color value of your choice; any color definition that normally works with CSS works here (since it is CSS). ---- ... ---- Profiles belonging to Social Networking Sites (like MySpace and Facebook) may have a specific way of changing the navigation bar's background color -- some may not have that option at all. See your Social Networking Site's FAQ section (or other means) as to whether changing the navigation bar's styles is allowed (and possible).

What are the quality control steps for your website?

That depends on if you are using a premade website, or making your own with a program like dreamweaver by adobe. Either way, you want to focus on USABILITY. Make sure that the navigation bar is always consistent, and on every page. It is very annoying when you are on a poorly build website and you are navigating it when suddenly the navigation bar disappears. Make sure that you validate the CSS and XHTML These links you just input the link of the page that you are updating and then check it. you want it to pass, and if there are warnings, it will pass in HTML, but when computers make the transition to XHTML the page will be unreadable. Hope these pointers helped.

How do you reference a maintenance code in IMDS?

By using the "Reference" hyperlink in the left navigation bar

Can you make a tabbed navigation by making one page only?

Yes, tabbed navigation could easily be made on one page. However it uses jQuery to add the navigation bar.

Can you set navigation bar content with CSS?

HTMLCreate an unordered list UL tag inside a DIV tag with an id of navBar in the HTML page!Item 1Item 2Item 3Item 4CSSInside of the CSS create a ID block called #navBar#navBar ul li {display: inline;padding-right: 5px;}

What is the positive aspects of a navigation bar?


What does the navigation bar in Windows do?

makes you the messiah

What is the bar called with links on on websites?

Most likely it is called the "navigation bar."

How do you add an icon to the navigation bar of the epo console?

Customize the shortcut bar for quick access to the features and functionality you use most often. The McAfee ePO interface uses menu-based navigation

How do you show the address tool on taskbar?

On Firefox, you can show the address tool on the taskbar by clicking Firefox > Options > Navigation Toolbar. Make sure there is a checkmark next to Navigation Toolbar to display the address bar.

What are the positive aspects of a navigation bar?

A positive of a nav bar is to navagite uses back and forth

Where is css on MySpace?

You can add CSS to your 'about me' section in 'Edit Profile' under the 'Profile' menu of the top bar. It should function like normal when placed there.