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Q: How do you make a sentence of different words?
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A clincher sentence restates the topic sentence in new words and wraps up the paragraph.

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Add a comma and a BOYFANS or a semicoland and a words like (thus,therefore, nevertheless,however)

Can Make a sentence with word dime and different?

I'm not sure what the question is but I think the person meant to say ''Can you make a sentence with the word dime and different?'' Then the answer is.. Yes, ''What's so different about a dime?'' Is a sentence with dime+different in it

Can you write a sentence with the word dialog in it?

yes you can. did that sentence have the word 'dialogue" in it? you can combine many different words into a sentence.

How do you make a sentence with the word different?

There are different parts of a robot

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"agile and agility are two different words" there, sentence done :)

What should you make your average Army sentence length?

An average of 15 words per sentence is preferred in an Army length sentence.

How do you make a sentence using for example the first words?

The first words of my letter are for you.

How do you make a sentence powerful?

Use powerful words.

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cool me

What sentence can you make with the words partisan?

yes,You are a partison