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WRITE IT IN CAPS LOCK or add an exclamation mark at the end!

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Q: How do you make a sentence with exaggeration?
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Can you make a sentence using the word exaggeration?

The story was an exaggeration of what actually happened. His exaggeration of what to expect left them all disappointed.

What sentence could be for parody?

A parody is an exaggeration to make something funny.

Sentence for the word exaggeration?

That's an exaggeration of the truth!

Can you put exaggeration in a sentence?

That's an exaggeration! He is such an obvious prevaricator that I expect a larger exaggeration every time he speaks.

What does exaggeration and hyperbole have in common?

u use an exaggeration to make it a hyperbole. the definition of a hyperbole is an exaggeration!

What is a sentence using exaggeration?

Exaggerated sentence; My hair is as long as an elephant's trunk.

How do you use exaggeration in a sentence?

Exaggeration is when you make something seem bigger, smaller, better, or worse than it really is. For example, saying "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse" is an exaggeration because it is unlikely that someone could eat an entire horse.

What is exaggeration satire?

Exaggeration satire is a type of satire that relies on exaggeration to make a point. Exaggeration adds both to the humor of satire and helps illustrate the underlying message.

What does add a hyperbole to your new sentence mean?

Hyperbole means exaggeration so you are being asked to exaggerate in your sentence.

What is an exaggeration sentence using the word excited?

I am very excited about the new bike I got.

What exaggeration about Jim Smiley does the storyteller make?


Is the sentence it is so hot outside you could fry an egg on the sidewalk a cliche?

No, that is an exaggeration, or hyperbole.