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1. Make a objekt (player)

2. Add Create.

3. Drag in set Set Gravity. Set gravity to 360 and gravitation to 1.

4. Add key Press Up. Drag in the Set vertical speed. Set it to -6.

5. Add a objekt (floor). Set it as solid.

6. Go back to player. Add colison and choose floor.

7. Drag in Set vertikal speed and set it to zero.

8. Make a room, make a floor and place your character.

9. DONE!

If you want it to walk.

10. On your character, add key press left.

11. Set horisontal speed to -6.

12. Add key press rigt. Set horisontel speed to 6.

13. Add key release for right and left. Set vertical speed to 0.

14. You now have made the easiest and best platform character that jumps!

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Q: How do you make an object jump in game maker?
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How do you make an object follow another object in a Game Maker game?

objectfollow = name or id of object to follow. spd = speed to follow. { if collision_point(self.x,self.y,objectfollow,true,true) = false { mp_potential_step(objectfollow.x,objectfollow.y,spd,true) } }

In game maker how do you make an object stop from going through another?

You have to make a collision event with the objects you want it to stop at. And then make itMove to Contactdirection -- 0maximum -- 12against -- solid objects or all objects; If the object you are colliding with is not solid choose the second optionI hope this was helpful.

How can you make a object follow another object in Game Maker?

In the step event, add a move towards action and put x as object1.x. Put y as object1.y. Enter the desired speed below. Of course, this is only an example and you would have to replace object1 (in both places) with the name of the object to be followed.

How do you make objects chase other objects in game maker?

If object a is the one who has to be chased it's like this: In B step event: direction = point_direction(x,y,A.x,A.y) speed = {your speed i recommend 4}

In Game Maker how do you make the screen follow more than 1 object since I made a part where your character can get in car but i have to change the speed so i change the object and it stops scrolling?

Sorry if this sounds confusing...not the best at explaining in the step event for the objects your want the camera view to follow simply put view_object=object_index that will make the camera follow the object. now when you change objects player to car. as long as your car has that in its step even the camera should follow the car because the player is gone and vise-versa. comment by Doublek642: Thanks alot man it worked perfectly for all vehicles! oh, and one more question. How do I make power-ups turn you back to normal after a certain amount of time/use? (in game maker)

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Select the object you want and make a step event. Then under the step event put "jump to position" and for the values put mouse_x and mouse_y. This means every step it will jump to the exact position of the mouse. The steps are equivalent to about a millisecond, so it should move right along with your mouse. Hope this helps.

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in code:move_towards_point(object.x,object.y,speed)

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use the variables xprev and yprev to determine which direction it is facing

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for make a game in game maker. go to.

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