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to to YouTube and type in origami deer or how to make an origami deer making deers (can be a bit hard)

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Q: How do you make an origiami deer?
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When do deer repradose?

to make baby deer

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To what family does the red deer belong?

Deer make up the family Cervidae of the order Artiodactyla.

What can make a deer drunk?

im pretty sure a deer cant get drunk

Is it possible to make baskets out of deer skin?

Kinda.You need to make a basket and cover the whole thing with deer skin.

How do you make a deer out of a shoebox?

you cant

What can you make with deer meat?

Using Deer MeatIf you have deer meat ground up like ground beef, you can make anything with it that you can make with the beef: burgers, meatloaf, chili, goulash, sloppy joes, spaghetti sauce, etc.

What is something Used to make bread and a female deer?

Flour is used to make bread, and a female deer is called a doe.

What sound does a white tail deer make?

=== === === ===

What sound does a baby deer make?


What in whitetail deer hunting are the five groups or individuals hunters are responsible to?

Make sure they find the deer.

How do you make a 3D deer?

Depends on how much you are willing to spend on deer... Staple 3x1D deer together. Or, 2x1D deer with red and blue glasses. But if you are really short of deer, you could use a mobius deer - with the right twist in a non-euclidean space you could give the impression of a 3D deer.