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Q: How do you make birthday animation in scratch programming?
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How do you make the cat walk up on the walls using scratch programming?

you dont

What is scratch and what is it used for?

Scratch is a programming language used to make a lot of games like 'pong' more or less whatever games you want to make!

What is scratch software used for and who uses it?

Scratch is a programming language used to make a lot of games like 'pong' more or less whatever games you want to make!

What type of program is scratch?

Scratch is brilliant programming language for n00bs at programming. It is developed at MIT. You don't write code but put together blocks of code that can handle sprites - certain objects on the form.

How do you make an animation?

you have to practice but wait i takes a while and just keep drawing anime and you will make you are pro and a god i do last time i can't draw but i still draw and i practice and look wait i got and i also put to color that i have

How do you make a FPS game from scratch I want to try make on on my calculator?

You need to learn computer programming to do that. Apart from that, you need to specifically learn game programming. Don't expect to learn to do that in one or two days. It takes months or years to learn how to program computers well.

How do you make leveling up in an RPG game for the scratch programming language?

You just make a broadcast "level up", and under the hat make a bunch of adding to variables and list entries. That will probably do it, unless you want something fancier.

How do you use Adobe Photoshop to make an animation?

You must open Animation panel from Window > Animation (Timeline in CS6).

If you create an animation as an animation symbol and change the color of an object in the symbol you must make the same change to every instance of the animation in your document?

animation is how fat your mom is

Can you add animation to he death scene on game maker and if so how?

Make a death animation, and make it play when you die. When it's done dying, make it exit.

How do you make a pie from scratch?

If you wish make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Is there a program that can help you make a programming language but you don't need to know a programming language?

No. In order to make or use a program or a programming language, you need to know a programming language.