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find a new guy who you are sure really loves you

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Q: How do you make it to tomorrow when your spouse has cheated on you?
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How do you tell the person you cheated on your spouse with its over with out him telling your spouse?

You shouldn't have cheated, you explain it to him before he does.

Would you want your spouse back after he cheated on you?

yes. you have to have them.

Have you ever cheated one a boyfriend or spouse?

No never you see, I would never liked to be cheated either.

What do you do when you get cheated on when you have kids?

You either take care of them or your EX spouse does.

What if your spouse cheated can you get MRSA from that?

I guess you "could" get MRSA from your cheating spouse, although MRSA is not commonly spread sexually.

What will make your spouse come back to you after you cheated on her?

Hopefully you don't need to do anything and go on with your cheating life. I don't think she wants to be with a cheater!

Will a marriage survive after a spouse cheated?

It is possible, but it will take time for trust to be rebuilt.

How sorry is your cheating spouse after the affair?

* As to how sorry the cheating spouse is depends on the individual who cheated. Some men make a mistake once and feel guilty and heartbroken when they realize how they have hurt their spouse or children; other men feel no remorse for cheating and are just sorry they got caught.

Do you feel your world cave in on you if you found out that your spouse cheated on you?

No not really, I cheated on her a few times as well and we have been married for over 4- years now.

Why is your spouse still with you if he cheated on you and says he is moving in with her?

Because you are dumb enough to stay, apparently.

How do you tell your spouse you cheated?

Some things are better left unsaid, DON"T TELL

Can you man trust his wife after she cheated?

No, once a spouse has cheated they have broken that bond of trust even though humans are not perfect and can make one mistake by cheating on their spouse. The spouse that was cheated on will always have that hurt tucked away in the back of their minds and be very wary of their spouse cheating again. However, many times a spouse may cheat; that bond of trust broken, but if it was just a one time issue then the married couple can still have a good strong marriage if they work on their communication skills and are honest with each other regarding their feelings.