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Well, the only way I know how to make perfume are using Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, all of the other citrus fruits.

1. Take some distilled or spring water, orange, lemon, lime, or grapefruit (or all at once!) peels.

2. Get a jar big enough to hold the peels. Put the peels in the jar and pour water over it.

3. Shake it up for a little bit until you get the right smell that you want. If it's too strong, add some more water. If you can't really smell the citrus part, add some more peels.

4. When it's the right smell, take the peels out and pour the liquid inside an empty spray bottle.

And there you have your fresh fruit perfume (it's called citrus perfume)!

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11y ago
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13y ago

To achieve this perfume u are looking for it's vert imparative that you blend all of the flowers/spices/herbs together and form a beautiful Purae(it's like a paste) then u need to boil the Purae At a very high temperature and let it all basically boil into s broth(a very clear almost watery substance) when u have your broth make sure to smell it and make. Sure it smells good, then put your concoction in a beautiful glass bottle for everyone to see and enjoy(:

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10y ago

Buying perfume off the shelf can result in smelling the same as everyone else, and lacking the signature scent that people will recognize as yours. But instead of spending a fortune going out and paying someone to make you an individual scent, you could make your own. It’s not a difficult hobby to have, but it will result in exploring many new scents and perfumes and discovering the perfect scent for you.

-Step 1: Essential oils or fragrance oils?

Essential oils and fragrance oils - what’s the difference? Well, Essential oils actually contain extract from the plant/fruit in question, while fragrance oils use synthetic means to obtain the required scent and contain no actual extract. However, they are much cheaper and generally used more in perfumes these days. It is up to you which you prefer, however, some considerations – some essential oils can cause problems during pregnancy or people with sensitive skin. Some people are allergic to synthetic fragrance oils, or they cause skin irritation, so try both to find the right combination for you.

-Step 2: Choose your oils

You will need to choose the right oils for your perfume –whether essential or fragrance. You will need to buy three types of oils. The base notes – these are the fragrances that linger long after the initial smell, they should be woody, or musky. Then, the heart note scent, which won’t last as long, but will be the main scent, so make it flowery or spicy. The top notes, which you smell right away, but don’t last long at all and should be fresh and light. You will need to choose some complimenting oils.

-Step 3: Quantity

Finding the right quantity of your oils will make your perfume, so it may take some experimentation to get it just right. Make your perfume in small quantities at first, and then when you find the right amount, you can just double the recipe or triple it, etc.

-Step 4: Distilled water and vodka

Some perfumes will call for vodka, because it is almost odorless, and carries the perfume well. Some use distilled water instead. It is important to use distilled water, not tap water, to maintain the purity of the perfume.

-Step 5: Bottle

Many perfumes do well in a dark bottle, as they will keep better, so choose your bottles carefully. Aim, if possible, for sprays, as these don’t come in direct contact with the skin, so skin calls won’t end up in the perfume and taint it.

Your perfume will be as individual as you are, and should keep for a couple of months. If you keep note of the recipes you like the most, you can find that perfect signature perfume.

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