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OK you will need shout ,glue and food coloring if you want.

pour in the bottle of glue you get like a normal size glue container

and pour it in a bowl

then pour half of your shout in the bowl

mix it all up put it in the frige for 5 mins

then mis=x up :)

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Q: How do you make silly puddy without borax or starch?
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Can I use salt in place of Epsom salts to make silly putty?

Try Borax or Liquid Starch but I'm pretty sure you can find Epsom salt for water softeners

How To Make Silly Putty Without Borax?

You need: glue laundry detergent (liquid) bowl (or something to mix in) spoon (or something to mix with) food coloring (optional) Here's what you do: Put some glue into your bowl (the amount doesn't matter; you can put in however much you want) and add the food coloring in. Stir. Pour some detergent into the cap and SLOWLY add it while stirring the mixture. Put in more or less detergent to get it to the consistency that you want it. ENJOY! Tips: Put in more detergent if your mixture is too runny. Put in more glue if your mixture is too hard to stir. IMPORTANT: Store in a ziploc baggie to keep plyable and soft. You don't want it drying out!:)

What does photosynthesis convert carbon dioxide and water into?

Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide and water into a sort of starch-like food that they use to produce energy. It contains carbohydrates and amino acids/proteins.

Can glucose be made in laboratories?

Yes. it's done all the time both in laboratories and in factories. The procedure is pretty simple: start with any starch (if you're doing this in the US they almost always start with cornstarch), mix it with an enzyme called a-amylase and heat it up. When the temperature gets high enough, the starch turns into a sticky paste called "starch glue." They then add glucoamylase to the starch glue, and 95 percent of the starch glue turns into liquid glucose. Next, you cool the liquid until crystals form. You'll get two products: crystalline glucose and glucose syrup. Both are easy to sell. They could do it by extracting glucose from foods that contain it, but the foods that contain glucose are more valuable than the glucose they contain. It's kinda silly to destroy $30 worth of grapes to get 25 cents worth of glucose.

Is a silly putty a solid liquid or gas?

There is many formulas for putty. The putty with the fallowing ingredients of: water, glue, borax solution, and if you want to add, food coloring is a liquid. I know this because, the putty takes the shape of its container, and has all the other properties of liquids. Read bellow for the instructions on how to make it. What you'll need: 2 containers (1 smaller than the other, preferably a film canister) Water Food colouring PVA glue Borax solution (ratio of about 1 Tbsp of borax to a cup of water) Instructions: Fill the bottom of the larger container with PVA glue. Add a few squirts of water and stir. Add 2 or 3 drops of food colouring and stir. Add a squirt of borax (possibly a bit more depending on how much PVA glue you used). Stir the mixture up and put it into the smaller container. By now the mixture should be joining together, acting like putty, crazy putty!