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with a wind turbine.

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Q: How do you make wind into energy or store it into a power source?
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Well i don't know but this is a guess:It's a good reneable source of energy

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How is hydro power used?

Hydropower is used to make electricity, usually at dams. Hydroelectric power is a renewable energy source, with energy captured from moving water.

Is light a renewable source of energy?

No, light is not a source of energy at all. Light is something we make with energy. We use water, wind, solar power, coal, natural gas or oil to create electricity which we use to make light.

Why is hydroelectricity power considered a renewable source of power?

Because you can use water over and over again to make energy.

How do you make high power magnets?

If you already have a medium magnet hook it up to a source energy.

Is a battery input or output?

Neither, it is a power source providing the energy to make the device work.

What is an energy source that is used to make electricity?

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Does green electricity make more power than other methods?

No. Some forms of renewable energy (e.g. solar cells) are much less efficient than conventional energy sources. Modern coal and natural gas power plants are about as efficient as it is possible to make an energy source. Hydroelectric power plants are about the only renewable energy source with efficiency near coal and natural gas power plants.

How is energy related to a sun?

Because the Sun is the source of solar power, a large source of renewable energy. It also gives plants the energy they need to grow, which make it possible for all other animals to live.