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Cat's meow because unlike us, they cannot speak. Kitty is trying to tell you something. Does kitty have a bowl of dry kibble and fresh water available to her at all times? If kitty is constantly hungry, she will wake you asking for food. There have been some rare occasions when a cat will sense that something is wrong/dangerous in the home, and they are trying to alert you to the danger. Do you have a carbon monoxide detector? If not, please get one. And fresh batteries in your smoke alarms every 6 months. But more likely than not, kitty wants food or water, or both. And a clean litter box, please. If she is well fed, then encourage her to come into bed w/ you and cuddle back to sleep. After all, that's just one of the things that cats do best! :D

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A six cent bullet and a 9 mm Glock I'd try feeding it or giving it what it wants so it will be quiet and let you sleep in!

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