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You cant really change your legs if they are big naturally.

Although there are some tips:

Go for a run in the morning 20 minutes one, and for another one just before you go to bed 30 mins one. The one before you go to bed is the most important one.

Skip, like skipping a rope also helps a lot.

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12y ago
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13y ago

yeah you can. Its called excercise and eating healthy.

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12y ago

exircising alot and eating veggies and a balanced diet

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13y ago

you dont need to work out..all you need are black flats..not the sandals..the covered flats! and your legs will look skinnier :]

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Q: How do you get toned thin legs when your legs are naturally fat?
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If i go on a treadmill everyday for 20 minutes will my legs get skinny or muscular?

fat you would lose any excess fat, your legs would be toned.

How do you get your legs to look really thin and get your calves really thin?

I would do lunges and squats to make my legs look bigger (ie more muscular and toned), not necessarily thinner. Your legs don't really lose fat weight unless you lose weight. If you want to lose muscle weight, well, don't exercise them and eat less I guess.

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The same as thin legs: To stand and to walk.

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it make you lose fat in your legs but if you want toned legs you need to excercise that benefiits your legs like runniong up and doen the stairs ten times or 100 step up or running on the treadmill

Can you get thin legs even though fat legs are hereditary and how?

Yes, you would just have to work more for it. Tone your legs with running, stair stepping, or even walking. Actually, a person's legs are easier to tone and thin because a person does the most exercise with their legs (walking, even standing).

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Depends on what you do, how tall you are, what you eat, how fat or thin you are ....etc

How do you Get legs skinny to wear skinny jeans?

Genes, I would assume. However, you could eat healthy and lightly while doing a ton of cardio and leg workouts to lose weight in that specific area. Cardio is essential though, to burn the fat. Otherwise you'd have gorgeous toned legs covered in fat.

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Why do boys look at girl's legs?

Personally I looks at legs as in indicator of three things: Fitness (are they skinny, toned, or fat?) Hygiene (smooth or notsomuch?) Tan (pale, tan, or orange? possible indicator of her level of superficiality.) Style (do her clothes fit; where does she shop?)

Why are your wrists so thin?

Usually, thw wrists are fairly thin and do not take on fat deposits as easily as other areas of the body (thighs, stomach, ect.) will. People who are thin will also tend to have naturally very bony wrists.

How is centrifugation technique used for obtaining toned milk?

The toned milk should contain a minimum of 3.0 per cent fat and 8.5 per cent non-fat solids.Centrifugation is used to make the skimmed (low or non-fat) milk needed to reconstitute the toned milk, made up from whole milk and this skimmed milk with water to obtain the 3.0/8.5 spec's on fat/non-fat solids.

How can you made toned milk at home?

Toned milk or double toned milk is the milk that has had the fat removed and then mixed with fresh milk. The fat is then removed a second time. To do this at home, skim the aft from milk, and then mix the skim milk with fresh milk to repeat the process. This is a choice milk because milk fat takes up a lot of the contents of milk. When the fat is removed, there is more room for the other nutrients. Toned milk has double the nutrients of regular milk.