

How do you make your nails look longer and healthier?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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i know this may sound really stupid but i make my nails look longer by well using the end of a toothpick and going under the nail slowly but not real slow (a.k.a. grandma slow) move around with the nail and this old skin will come out and your nail will have a white line along it now like long nails do.

do this like 2-5 times a week and your nails look long and youll stop biting once you see what comes out :D

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Q: How do you make your nails look longer and healthier?
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Do you have strong nails? If you don't, you can use some sort of nail hardener that you can buy at any cosmetic or convenient store. I recommend 'Sally Hansen' Because their products make a big improvement. Also, using any moisturizer or lotion, make sure that your hands and cuticles are always moisturized and it isn't dry or cracked. For internally healthy nails, make sure you get all of your vitamins and dietary supplements that you need. Filing your nails, cutting any cuticle skin pieces that don't belong, pushing back your cuticles (gently), and keeping them clean will help your nails look better and grow longer and healthier. I hope i helped! :)

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Eat right. Certain minerals make your nails not grow. Also you can paint them with clear nail polish to make them stronger so they don't break as much.

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Manicures, by making your nails look the same, bring a feeling of calming and of professionalism around you. People do not want to be distracted from you by nails that are scruffy and different. Plus manicures usually make people feel good about themselves which leads to others thinking that too.

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manufacturing costs, you don't need to make as many 75mm nails per kilo

How do you thin down your really thick fingers which look so ugly?

Sorry, it's genetics. If you are woman let your nails grow longer (or go to a salon and have gel nails put on) and stick to either French Manicures or pale colors so as not to attract too much attention to your hands. By letting your nails grow longs it will make your thick fingers look slimmer.

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Grow them a few inches longer and cut them in a pretty shape

Do your nails grow faster without nailpolish?

nail polish is to make your nails look attractive, it generally did not have any effect on their growth

Are there any tips or tricks to make your nails grow long?

Some tips and tricks to make your nails grow long is by taking Biotin supplements. Biotin helps encourage healhty nail and hair growth. This will aid the nails in growing stronger and longer.

How do you make your nails look like you got a manicure but you did them yourself?

go get them done

How do you get longer fingers?

There isnt really a big way to get longer fingers, but try pulling them hard a few times a day. To make the illusion of having longer fingers, bend them slightly at the knuckles, and keep your nails a tad bit shorter if you have long nails, and if you bite your nails, grow them longer. Having nails about as long as your fingers at a rounded shape and not polishing them with extremely bright colors works well at giving the illusion of longer fingers. Crack your knucles and pull each finger often to grow fingers. Hope this helps! ;)