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You don't do anything. People use to paint the shells and it killed the turtle, is toxic. The prettiest shell on a turtle is one that is healthy. Make sure to keep him or her warm enough and that they are eating ok.

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Q: How do you make your turtles shell prettier?
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Can you tape two turtles shell to shell and make them unstoppable?

I think so

When do turtles get out of their shells?

A turtles shell is built into bone structure. Parts of the backbone and the ribs, among other bones, make up the inner structure of the shell. This means that it cannot get out of its shell, as the shell is not separate from the body.

Do turtles have a bottom shell?

yes turtles do have a bottom shell

What is a turtles covering?

in a shell hope this make you die and your mom happy

Why does terrapin has shell?

A terrapin has a shell because it is a turtle, of course. There are 4kinds of turtles: aquatic turtles, land turtles, terrapins, and sea turtles. All turtles have shells.

What are star turtles?

Star Turtles are turtles with star like shell

How do sea turtles shell stay on there back?

A sea turtles shell stays on its back because its attached

What does a turtles shell do?

A turtles shell is a form of armor; it makes it very hard for a predator to bite the turtle.

What does a turtle use it's shell for?

The turtles shell protects itself and hides inside its shell when in danger or when they are scared. The shell helps the turtle breathe. The turtles shell is another way to breathe for them.

What do turtles wear?

a Shell

How do turtles get into their shell?

They are born with it!

What shelter do turtles have?

in its shell