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You don't need gravity to survive, at least not in the short term.

The lack of gravity is a problem in the long term, though: Muscle and bone gets weaker - the body finds that it doesn't actually need all this muscle and bone when there is no gravity to fight, so it gets rid of it.

NASA is doing research on how to avoid this, for longer trips in the future. See for example related link on "pillownauts".

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Me? I manage it by not going to space.

Astronauts, when outside their spacecraft, manage it by staying tethered to their spacecraft by a lifeline.

Inside their life is very different. One thing, they can't shower because the water will be everywhere, so they have to use this vacuum thing, to clean off all the dirt from their bodies. Drinks are packaged as dehydrated powders. The astronauts add water to beverages through a special tube before drinking. Foods are either partially or completely dehydrated to prevent them from spoiling. Meats are exposed to radiation before they are put onboard the shuttle to give them a longer shelf life.

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The suit they are wearing is temperature controlled

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