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just be yourself and and then something will come out of ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It just comes to you.

If your making a gift for someone, personalize it just for them. For school projects, it's nice to go beyond my making a visual or writing fun facts. Put glitter all over(if you're a girl of course). Decorate your everyday supplies(binder, pens, bag...) and make sure to make it you.

Don't over thinks stuff.

Look at crafts in magazines or on the internet.

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Q: How do you motivate others to be creative?
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How do you Support others to develop their practice in promoting creativity and creative learning?

Support others by providing resources, tools, and training opportunities for them to enhance their understanding and skills in promoting creativity and creative learning. Encourage open communication and collaborative efforts to exchange ideas and best practices. Offer feedback and constructive criticism to help individuals refine their approach and continuously improve their practice. Model creativity and demonstrate a passion for creative learning to inspire and motivate others.

How does one motivate others?

You can motivate others by pretty much setting good examples and by organizing things that might involve them in ways that they would favor without negatively impacting you .... (do stuff that involves them in which they will be interested in)

If you say you are here to help others what are the others here for?

it doesnt matter maybe the same thing. various reasons motivate others.

How do you motivate others to achieve their personal best?

The way to motivate others to achieve their personal best is to first show them your trying to achieve your best. And then give them positive reinforcement and encouragement rather than a negative approach.

What mean Can motivate other phrase?

The phrase "Can motivate others" means having the ability to inspire or encourage other people to take action or achieve their goals. It suggests possessing qualities or actions that spur others to do something positive or productive.

What are the creative commons?

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that is located in Mountain View California. It is devoted to expand the creative works for others to build legally.

Why do you visualize everything?

Not everyone needs to visualize everything to be a creative thinker. However, taking time to visualize goals, dreams, or the future of your life and business can motivate you on your journey.

What are some creative ways to motivate a coworker to finish an unfinished project?

One of the best ways to motivate a co-worker is to tie a pink slip and hang it over their computer. It is not considered a threat if the paper is blank. However, they will get the message that their job may be on the line if they do not complete their task in a timely manner.

Do wikis have any hope of success?

Absolutely! However, an obstacle to the success of a wiki may be the problem of finding a way to motivate people to share honestly for the benefit of everyone else. It's not easy to encourage people to contribute. One way to motivate others is for some people to do it, enjoy it, and then share it with others.

What are the characteristics of a creative child?

If a child thinks of the thing which is extremely uncreative to make it creative, he is a creative child. For eg- If he can think to make something out of a stone (which is uncreative to others) like a sculptor etc. he or she is creative.

How does helping others motivate you?

Helping others can be motivating as it gives a sense of purpose, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Seeing the positive impact one's actions have on someone else's life can serve as a powerful source of inspiration and drive to continue making a difference. It also fosters a sense of connection and empathy towards others, leading to a more fulfilled and meaningful life.

How do you spell motivate?

That is the correct spelling of "motivate" (encourage).