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i went through da same thin but u might think it all gone but it'z not there'z gonna be othere guy'z in da world but then if he broke up wit u he'z gonna realize all he missed because i dumped ma ex boyfriend and then after a while i knew it was a mistake but if u broke up wit him try to fight for hiz love dont give up cuz da wato of ur dreamz will come one day the one dat will wipe all ur tearz away ....

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Q: How do you move on after a break up when you're still in love with the person?
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If your still madly in love with your ex but cant handle fighting while being in a long distance relationship is it sometimes better to take a break without talking for a while?

well, if youre ex still likes you, then get back together. it also depentds, who is fighting, you and youre ex, or you and youre current lover??

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I'm not really a fighter but I'll fight for what i love..

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If you really love him then you wouldn't break up with him I would do the opposite and still love him even if he likes his ex

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Love is when two peoples go on a date then they become close to one other and they are going to live there life together unless one of them is interested in some other man/woman or girl/boy then they break up then they go to the person they like

How do you break up with someone if you still love them?

sometimes you don't have to all you have to do is work through your problems if you really love them. But if you feel you have to then just do it and that person will understand if they really love you.

Is love still around or its just a fairy tell now?

well , I'll say that love in now adayes is a rare thing and can not be found easily but there still some hope out there and if you loosed youre fathe in love maybe its because youre aies aren't opened well and it means that youre hart are locked and my advice to you is : don't expect frome the others to open youre hart and don't think they will Guss whats on youre mined you should make the first move!

Should you break up with your boyfriend because of your friend even though you love him?

no,you should not because you love him not youre friend so you should stay with him.

How do you stop a break up?

Show how much you care and love that person, but if he/she still break up with you, then it's not not meant to be, so don't put yourself down.

Can you still love someone after a break up 4 years ago?

depends.....if you still feel for them and just miss the moments being with that particulate person...then this might be the beginning of love growing again.

Why wont it let you get on a double person bed when someone else is on it in sims 2?

if youre not in love with that person then they will not go into the bed.

What if someone says they love you and you are perfect for them but break up with you because of long distance even though they still love you And then get back with their ex were you a rebound?

yes that person is really dumb for braking up when they still love u. are you sure he/she REALLY loves you??

What is the meaning of betrayed in love?

The meaning of being betrayed in love is when two people are supposedly in love and one of the partners uses and abuses the other partner or they will cheat on that person or simply break up the relationship for no apparent reason leaving the person that is still in love feeling heartbroken.