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it depends if you still want to be friends with him. he seems commited to still being friends so now the ball is in your court. you could totally reject him and start a new life without him by getting him to know you wnat nothing to do with him or you can stay in contact.

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Q: How do you move on with your life if the person you thought would be there 'till death do you part' is now your ex but is still nice and wants to hang around you?
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Can you get the black death nowdays?

There's some disagreement on exactly what the Black Death was, though it's usually thought to have been caused by a bacterium known as Yersina pestis, which is still around today. While it's still possible to catch the plague, it's not usually fatal if treated in time; antibiotics are generally effective.

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When you constantly think of the person. When you wish to be around the person.

How do you know if you are still love?

Hi, I may not be able to explain this answer very well but I will definatly try! You know if you are still in love with someone if you can not stop thinking about the person, if you love the time you spend with them, if you love the way the person acts around people, if you love every little tiny detail about the person without just liking the thought of the person. And you definatly know this if you two broke up 12 weeks ago and you still love the person after all the pain the person has caused you.

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Yes. They still were who they were.

What does mean's. i. still. love you?

PS means 'post script' which is an addition or after thought from the person writing or leaving you a message. It obvious they still love you.

What does PS I still love you mean?

PS means 'post script' which is an addition or after thought from the person writing or leaving you a message. It obvious they still love you.

What is the cure today if you get the black death?

Black Death is an old name for the Plague, which is still around. Antibotics are used very successfully.

Is probate done while person is in nursing home or is after death?

Probate is done only after death. Prior to that, the individual still controls their own assets.

Are we in risk of the black death today?

no, Black Death has been seen many times in Europe. but on smaller scales.