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Go to there profile right click on the poke buttton and choose the 'copy link address' button (or similar, wording varies between browsers) then paste the link in the addressbar.

Then delete all but the long number from near the end.

This number is the person's ID number.

Add that individual number to the following bit of code (replacing the ID_HERE bit with the required number)


With facebook open and the above code in your address bar if you hit enter the chat will appear (The chat is only stored for a day or so, if its past that it will just look like an empty chat and you can't retrieve it.)

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Q: How do you open a chat with someone is offline?
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How do you know if a person is offline or only appearing offline on facebook?

if someone post something and it says there offline that means there chat is offline

How do you delete someone from chat on facebook?

i'm not sure u can but u can block them or appear offline

Why is it necessary to remain online whenever you chat?

well no one will be able to see you if you go offline but if you are talking to someone and you go offline tell the you are still there.

How do you pretend to be offline on facebook?

Not be logged into facebook or not be active for ten minutes then it shows a moon

Can you be on Facebook without everyone seeing?

Yes, go to your chat box, open it, click options, then click "go offline".

How do you go offline in Facebook chat?

To go offline in Facebook chat all you have to do is: 1.Click on the "Chat" link at the bottom right of your screen. 2.Click on "Options" 3.Clcik "go offline" hope this helps(:

Who can see you log on to facebook?

Any of your friends who are logged on and check the chat box or have it open. You can appear invisible by clicking on Chat then Options then Go Offline. You will stay online, but appear offline. Just be aware that they can see any posts you make while you're invisible.

How can I make myself appear offline on facebook for iphone Does turning off chat make me appear offline?

Yes, if you turn off the chat feature on Facebook for your iPhone, it will appear as though you are offline.

Why is a chat room good?

Well... Chat Rooms arent good, they are actually quite bad and can cause rapes and axidents never ever meet someone offline of a chatroom who you do not know!

How do you view your full Facebook chat history with Scrapboy?

In order to view your full Facebook chat history, open up a chat box with the person in your friends list that you were chatting with. With Scrapboy, you are able to open up a chat box with a person even if they are offline. Then scroll to the top of the chat and click "More..." in the top left hand corner. This will bring up your full chat history with this person.

How do you post chat on your face-book?

You open up a chat with someone (click lower right chat button on screen then click name) and press enter when you type something to someone

How do you tell if contact is appearing offline?

You really can't tell if contact is appearing offline. That's the purpose of being having that option so that you can be online but offline in chat. However, if a person who doesn't seem to be online in chat but posted something on the wall then that person is appearing offline.