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In the Temple of Hades, the offering for the altar is pomegranates, from the tree above the creature in the Garden of the Sphinx.

(You cannot open the throne room door without Hercules, and he will not help you until you have delivered all 5 of the sacred items to the Tree of Immortality.)

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Q: How do you open the door to the underworld on mythology island?
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Where do you get the hades offering on Mythology Island?

There are pomegranates in the Garden, just above the Sphinx. Place them on the altar to open the door into the Underworld.

Where do you the pomagrantes to open both hades and posiden in poptropica?

They DON'T open both. The pomegranates only open Hades' door to the underworld put them on his alter in Mythology Island. To open Poseidon's door to his his awesome beach, you need the starfish off of his statue in the museum.

How do you get Hercules to open hades door on Mythology Island?

give him ten darchmas

How do you open Hades' door on Mythology Island?

you need a pomegranate from above the sphinx

What do you need to open Hades door on poptropica mythology island?

you get a pomagranet from the garden of the sphinx and place it on Hade's alter at his palace. The alter is by the door. The door will then open.

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To open the underground door on Mythology Island in Poptropica, you need to retrieve the trident from Poseidon. Once you have the trident, use it to unlock the door and access the underground area. Good luck!

How do you get the key to the underworld on Mythology Island?

The entrance to the Underworld (realm of Hades) is in the Temple of Hades. Put pomegranates (from the garden of the Sphinx) on the altar to open the door. You cannot move the rock from the throne room. Only Hercules can do that, and not until you have collected the 5 sacred items and returned them to Athena at the Tree of Immortality.

What do you need to offer to open the Poseidon door on Mythology Island?

Offer the starfish from the Poseidon statue in the Museum.

How do you get the snake in the labyrinth on Mythology Island?

You click on the snake with the red eyes when he comes out of the picture. Then it will open the door!

Who lifts the bolder in the underworld in Mythology Island?

you need to talk to athena, and she says ask hercules again, and then he will come with you if you have the touchscreen mirror, and he will open the border for you.

How do you get the pomegranates to open the door on the game poptropica on mythology island?

Place it on the offering stand in Hades throne room.

How do you get to the minotuar on Mythology Island?

The minotaur is on the far left side of the island. To the left of the sphinx. To open up the door, take your reed pipe and play the colors of the circle going clockwise. The door will open. Then you can go to the minotaur.