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It's easy, and fun too. Saves you money instead of buying goggles. When your first starting, it could be really tough and scary.

All you do is go underwater for a couple of times, about 3 times to get use to the water. Relax, just go up and down. On the 3rd time you go up from the water, go back down and slowly SLOWLY open your eyes until your eyes are completely open.

At first it WILL sting, but it's ok. It's not damaging your eyes, or your eyesight. Saltwater is much better for the eyes, but cloriene water can be just as well. Do it for a couple of more times until they don't sting anymore. When they don't sting, you've mastered on how to open your eyes underwater!

Goodluck with this plan of mine <_< >_>! :)

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14y ago

You just open them while you are under water. There isn't a method on how to open them, but just open them as you normally would.

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Q: How do you open your eyes underwater?
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How do you look underwater?

You wear goggles or open your eyes.

Can you see underwater in the day?

Yes. But in order to do that, you have to open your eyes.

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So that water don't come into contact with the eyes, which allows your eyes to open underwater.

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They open their eyes and do it. Once you are used to it, it can be very fun. You can make it fun and challenging by throwing in dive rings, rocks, or quarters and looking for them by finding them only by opening your eyes underwater. This is great practice and lots of fun. Its also fun to swim with a friend underwater. Just try opening your eyes underwater and see how you do.

How do you swim with your eyes OPEN?

first thing is that human eyes are not made to be open in water because well you m ay see really blury so that why they created googles to protect your eyes from gettin irritated by the chemical that the water has. but if you want you may try it it's fun and don't be afraid . tara

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no they keep their eyes open at all times even when they die &lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt; Fish do not have eyelids. There is no way for them to close their eyes.

Can you see under water?

Technically, yes. You can either wear goggles or scuba masks to see underwater, and you could open your eyes underwater (granted your vision will be so blurry that you can barely make out the shape of your own hand) to see, but opening your eyes underwater without gear is not a reliable way to see underwater.

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Animals blink to keep their eyes from getting dry. Fish are always underwater so they don't have to worry about that.

What is it like swimming underwater?

Fun... you can do all kinds of things. Especially if it's in a lake or something. You can open your eyes, omg it's so much fun :D! i am going to the lake in like.. 5 minutes, yay swimming &lt;3 i don't suggest you open your eyes underwater in a lake w/o goggles

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Alligators can see underwater because they have two layers of skin on their eyes. One layer is clear and the other layer is the eye lid. When underwater they close their eye and then open only the eye lid. They keep the clear skin over their eyes so they can see:)

Do platypuses have eyes?

Yes, platypuses do have eyes, and they use them whenever they are on land. Platypuses close their eyes when they dive and hunt underwater for food. They do not need to see underwater, as they use the electroreceptors in their bills to detect living organisms underwater.