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there is not really a "best" betta to have i do not recommended dumbo bettas also known as elephant ear bettas because it it hard for these fish to swim and is not a good life for them never under any circumstances keep males together some males will get along with females if you decide to keep males and females try to get a young male he will get used t them i will probably not fight if they do put the male in a jar put a hole in the lid for air and put him back in the tank of females a few days later. females don't fight. i have breed bettas so i know a good bit about them:)

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12y ago

i would suggest picking a Betta that is swimming around in their container, not a Betta fish that is at the bottom of the container looking bored

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15y ago

the female betta fish gets along with the male betta because sometimes even both fishes may fight until one is dead.

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How do you buy a Betta fish?

they are sold alot at local petstores

How do you get your fish to stop pestering the other ones?

That depends on the Betta fish. If it's just a bit of a nuisance, Some time in it a separate container could stop this problem. But if your betta is so aggressive, so hostile, it seriously injures the other fish in the community, than you have no choice but to buy an Breeder Box and keep the betta in there. Or buy a separate tank for the betta entirely. A Fightn' Fish Fact: Female Betta fish can be aggressive too. It's just less likely.

Where can you buy girl betta fish?

You can find some Albino Bettas at pet stores or wherever fish are sold. I found an Albino Betta at Petsmart but they might not always sell them there. You can check back there every month or so to see if they got new shipments.

Where can one purchase a betta fish?

Pet stores are certainly best. You can ask them for a female betta. But if you want to go some place OTHER than a pet store, there are some good Web sites. sells some nice fish. sells show quality fish. Both websites will ship to your location. The fish do well in transit. I've had thousands shipped IN and OUT.

Do betta fish grow at all?

Yes, the do! People usually buy them as adults but I was surprised when I saw some small, baby Betta's at the petstore.

How do you play with a betta fish?

Do not play with betta fish or u will kill it..The only thing u can do is feed it,and clean his bowl or tank or pond.You can buy items for it but make sure it does not hit them never play with betta u might kill it

Are betta fish wild?

The betta fish that you buy at Walmart or a pet shop are raised in captivity and bred for their long fins and rich colors. The original betta(Betta spendens) came from Siam, now Thailand, where it lives in small ponds. The wild fish is smaller and not as colorful as its domestic counterpart, but just as feisty with others of its kind.

Can betta fish eat tuna I have no fish food?

You will end up killing your Betta if you don't feed it properly. Canned fish for humans is no good for Bettas. The Betta will not eat it and it will poison the water.. Bettas are insectivorous fish and will eat Mosquito Larvae, Brine Shrimp etc. A Betta can live for some considerable time without food, so if you can't get to a pet shop and buy some Betta food, you can always order Betta food online and should get it within a week or so.

Are betta fish in-dangered?

No. The ones you buy in the stores are bred by people. In their native habitat there are a lot of them.

Are betta fish in danger?

No. The ones you buy in the stores are bred by people. In their native habitat there are a lot of them.

Can a baby Oscar and a betta be kept together?

A betta is best as a solitary fish and it would be better to remove it from your main tank and give it a small tank to itself. You can buy very inexpensive betta tank kits for one betta.

What is the best home for a betta fish?

well you first need at least a one gallon fish bowl and fish gravel and plants and stuff for them to hide in. fish food, and give them every once in a wile betta fish treats for fat.