

Best Answer

there is a method that you can use with treats, i am a huge fan of this person on YouTube and she explains it, it would take me forever to explain.

i hope this link helps... even though its not my youtube account....

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Q: How do you pick a roborovski dwarf hamster up?
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How do you pick up a dwarf hamster?

with your hands

What are better Roborovski Hamsters or Russian Hamster?

there is a big difference between them as syrian hamsters are bigger than dwarf hamsters. There is quite a lot of different types of dwarf hamsters such as, Russian winter whites, Chinese, campbells, rovoroski and maybe more. But most dwarf hamsters can live with 1 or more of the same sex and syrians have to live alone - so if your hamster lives alone then its probably a syrian. aslo syrians are about half the size of a guineapig and dwarf hamsters are about half the size of a syrian hamster.

How many days is a robo dwarf hamster pregnant?

A Roborovski hamster is normally pregnant between 20 and 22 days. Some sources say that they can be pregnant for up to 30 days, though. Roborovski hamsters can be weaned at 21 days, and this is normally a good time to separate males and females.

How old does a baby dwarf hamster half to be to pick them up?

It has to be about 3-4 weeks old, then you can hold them.

How much do dwarf hamsters weigh up to?

about big will a dwarf hamster grow about big will a dwarf hamster grow about big will a dwarf hamster grow

How fast do Roborovski dwarf hamsters run?

It's has to be the one the only dwarf hamster, the smallest hamster in the world. the dwarf hamster is a good pick for a hamster BUT! the person HAS to be at least 9 and 5 months or up. that age or up the person is more careful of this hamster because this hamsters FAST! This happen to my cousin's and there 18 anyway so they bought out the hamster to play with and then BOOM! the hamster rana and ran it ran SO fast but then it ran to the corner it was close and they will be VERY careful next time. But I suggestif your getting a hamster u should choose a bigger hamster like a teddy bear hamster or black bear or reg. or rex. hamster there bigger and live much longer they live to 2-3 years(if the hamster is healthy. The dwarf hamster live for 1-2 years only. For even more info search this site Hope this helps!

What should you do if you get a bite by a dwarf hamster?

Fist things fist. Wash the bite with soap and water. The next time you try to pick up your dwarf hamster wear a thick glove with your sent. Do this everyday for 5 minutes and eventually he will get used to you.

Do you have to pick up hamster?

You should pick up your hamster. Picking up your hamster lets it get used to you, the more you pick it up and play with it the more friendler it becomes.

Which hamster is least likely to bite?

I have a Dwarf hamster It is incredibly people tolerent! Never been bitten or squeecked at THEY ARE ROUDY WHEN YOU PICK THEM UP AT THE PET STORE!!! but let it aljust and itll love you soo

Do Chinese dwarf hamsters remember you?

I have a chinese dwarf hamster and she is the sweetest thing in the world! Her name is Mocha and when i open her cage to put her in, she greets me and waits for me to pick her up! My guess is that they do remember you based on the sound of her voice (when i call to wake her up) and by your smell. But, do beware. wash your hands before you pick up your hamster especially if you have eaten in the past hour or so or if they are mistrustful to humans (so she or he can recognize your smell.

How long are hamsters pregent for?

about 18-21, but if you have the Roborovski hamster then that can get up to 30 days. =)At least 1 to 2 months

Does Roborovski Hamster urine smell?

Yes, it does. Don't smell it, just clean it up with a tissue.