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I think there are some "common sense" answers but no magic bullet:

Avoid processed foods e.g. refined flours and sugars - eat more natural foods such as fruit, vegetables, meat occasionally. Refined products flood the body with excess calories which are stored as fat.

Eat little and often rather than all-you-can-eat blowouts. The body will store any excess calories as fat. Smaller meals help to prevent this.

Do some regular excercise to raise the metabolic rate i.e. fat-burning. It also gets the blood pumping and will much improve all-round health.

As I said, there's no magic bullet that would allow someone to eat anything they liked and not gain weight - and if there were it would probably damage your health in much worse ways. I know it sounds boring but basically the middle-road works the best.

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Q: How do you prevent your body from storing fat?
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What is important function of fat in the body?

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How many days can you stop eating before your body starts storing fat?

You body only stores EXCESS food as fat. Thus if you are starving yourself you will not have any excess food to store as fat. Indeed if you stop eating your body will start to use your fat stores as food.

How is fat used in your body?

Nutrients, warmth It can be used for storing fat to be used for energy in the future and some is stored under our skin to help stop heat escaping from body

Does body fat help against hypothermia?

Yes. Body fat creats insulation around the body to prevent heat escaping the core of the body.

Where are body fats important in the body?

Fat is an animals way of storing energy; it keeps you alive between meals. To keep you warm.

How much body fat do you have and how do you find out?

The quantity of your body fat depends on how much fat your body has in storage and weight. In order to find out how much fat your body is storing you must divide the total weight of your fat by your overall weight. This can be simplified by using a simple BMI chart which will enable you to see whether you are a healthy weight or overweight

What circumstances might your body synthesize fat molecules?

When we consume more food than needed for metabolic processes, our body synthesizes fat molecules as a way of storing energy for later use.

Does blubber help to prevent water loss from the body?

Blubber, or subcutaneous fat, helps prevent heat loss from the body. Keratin in the epidermis helps prevent water loss from the body.

Can soap go bad?

Yes, soap can go bad because it has fat in it, and that fat will eventually go rancid, just like any other fat. You can help prevent this from happening by storing it in cool, dark places.

Why do children get obese when they eat fast food?

because when you eat food the nutrients are extracted and given to the body, like fat. the body naturally dissolves fat for energy but if the body gets more fat than it can burn it keeps storing it thus increasing body size and mass, and fast food generaly has a lot of fat

How much fat is in macoroni?

very little, the fat comes from the oil in the cooking and sauce as well as produced by your body which is simply storing the amount of calories you stuff into yourself