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Q: How do you prove someone is lying about their income so they don't have to pay child support?
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If a father is lying about income to pay less child support will he have to pay retroactive child support or arrears?

No, but he can be fined and jailed.

Can perjury charges be brought against someone for lying in court to get more in child support?

Lying under oath is a big 'no-no' and the judge MIGHT consider it perjury. I would file a motion for a re-hearing and bring the evidence to the judge's attention.

Can a custodial parent lie about her residency to the court when seeking child support?

Lying is perjurysee link

If the child is thirty can she file for child support in Texas?

No, 11 years too late, and dangerous. I growing number of relationships with mother are destroyed by these actions when the adult child learns their mother had been lying about getting child support.

What if custodial parent reports less income to obtain more support?

The NCP should bring this up with the venue that issued the order for support. However, in general, support is based on a percentage of the NCP's net income, regardless of the CP's income.The only real affect this has is on extras, such as the percentage of the cost for insurance and child care each parent is obligated for, so the primary issue should lying under oath.

If you never married the father of your child and claim you did to receive child support is that fraud?

Yes. And it's also incredibly stupid: marriage is a matter of public record, so it's easy to tell you're lying, AND you can sue for child support whether you were married or not.

If a noncustodial parent works off the books does he still have to pay child support?

Yes if you can obtain proof that the non-custodial parent has a source of income or file based on the same. If you have proof, it's open and shut. If you do not, it would be up to the judge to decide whether or not the non-custodial is lying if they testify to the contrary.

What is the study of lying called?

nerolinguistics is the study of if someone is lying

Perjury is to lying as homicide is to?

Perjury is to lying as homicide is to killing someone.

What does it mean if someone is constantly lying?

Chronic lying is a sign of sociopathy.

Is lying and cheating the same?

If you are lying about seeing someone else when you shouldn't be the it's cheating. If you are lying so you don't hurt someone's feelings or you're lying to protect yourself from something you did wrong it is not cheating.

What is the chemical released when someone is lying?

The chemical released during lying is catecholamines