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Pruning should begin at the bottom while working upwards. Prune smaller branches from larger ones. Bonsai pruners, pruning shears, or pruning saws may be needed depending on the size of the branch.

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Q: How do you prune a weeping pussywillow tree?
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It depends on the look you want. You always trim the tree from the bottom of the tree. To make it look like an umbrella which is trimmed high, or a mushroom which is evened at the lowest point. You should always keep the strongest central "leader". This will be the support for the weeping limps when it is mature. The "mushroom look" will cause scars and will make the tree look unnatural. The idea behind the weeping cherry tree is to look as naturally beautiful as possible. You decide which direction the tree grows during its pruning, just make sure you pick a good strong leader. See the related link below.

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What kindof lever might you use if you wanted to prune a tree?

If you wanted to prune a tree, you will need a Class 1 fulcrum.

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