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I've been trying to convince my parents to get me one, but not really working out They have been warming up to the idea of it though because I told them that I ride my bike and walk to places alone, DON'T tell them that all your friends have one that would just let them know that if you need to contact someone your friend has a phone and you can use theirs, convince them that it would be cheaper if the drop the land line and give everyone in the house a cell phone ( and it probably is),ask to borrow their phone a lot because if you have it they won't and that would make them realize that they need their phone and the only way to do that is to get you one too. I hope this long answer can help you get that prized possession.

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Q: How do you pursue your parents into letting you have a cell phone?
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By letting him learn how to use one.

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Technically no. Because your parents didn't buy the cell phone for you, they have no legal right to take it away from you.

How can you get your parents to get you a cell phone?

you dont need one

Why don't I have a cell phone?

because my parents are my mean

Is there such cell phone where you can only call your parents?


What is meant by cell phone holders?

Cell phone holders are used to dock cellphones safely whether it be in a pursue or attached to a belt loop. They offer easy access to the cell phone while at the same time protecting the phone from external damages from falling or being affected by weather.

How do you hipnotize your parents to get you a cell phone?

by asking for one for xmas

How do you beg your parents for a cell phone?

First hang out with one of your parents and do good stuff for them and yourself.

How do you get your parents to think that you are ready for a cell phone?

Just beg-it worked for me!!!!

How can i convince my parents on letting me have a phone if i have told them reasons i need a cell phone i have shown responsibilities and i have gotten great grades in school and that did not work?

Let yourself become unreachable. At that point, they'll realize that can't contact you and they'll get you a phone. You'll have to do this often, so it becomes an annoyance to them and they will themselves wish you had a phone so they could call you.

How do you convince your parents you are responsible for a cell phone?

You need to show your parents how you act around a cell phone. Example, you can use your friends cell phone to "pretend" to call or text someone in front of your parents. Then, you can tell your friend that has the phone, to pretend to almost drop it, and tell them to say, "no biggy, it's just a phone." Then you will jump in and say, "that is not how to treat a phone. You need to treat it with care." Then, your parents will realize how responsible you are to care for a cell phone. Need more advice? Just ask me any question. To let you know that it is me, i will sign my name, "askCCKnow123". =D Please just ask me. Thanks.=D

Who usually has the better cell phone parents or their children?

nowadays some people gets outdated while the young ones get more and more technical so children have a better cell phone then their parents.