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You don't, unless you know the female is in heat and ready to mate. Otherwise keep them apart at any other time.

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Q: How do you put a female hamster in with a male?
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You have had your male hamster for a month and you just got a female hamster Will your male hamster be settled in too much to breed?

Do not put a female hamster with an already settled male hamster JUST DON'T

Can you put a female guinea pig with a female hamster Or a male guinea pig with a female hamster?

you shoudl not put a hamster and a guinea pig in the same cage no matter what.

Does the male hamster have to be around when female hamster having a babies?

Do not put the male around the female! Some male hamsters eat the babies, I'm not kidding.

How do you interduce a male hamster to a female hamster?

All you have to do is put the male and the female into the same cage. But you should keep an eye on them for they may fight or mate.

How do you help mating hamster?

You put a male and a female together.

How do you connect two hamster cages?

You can put two Dwarf Hamsters together but if you put a male and a female together they most likely have babies. You can put a male Dwarf Hamster and a male Dwarf Hamster together and you can put a female Dwarf Hamster with a femaleDwarf Hamster. Just make sure the two hamsters don't fight.

When can you put the male hamster together with the other hamster again?

you can never put them together because they will just keep fighting. if it is a dwarf hamster then you can put two female's together.

Can you put a female hamster and a male gerbil together?

yes because they will have babbies

Can you put a full grown male hamster with a young female hamster?

If you want them to breed, then yes if not then keep them separated

How can you tell if a Golden hamster is a male or female?

A female hamster will have a longer tail then the male hamsters and female's make more mess then male's.

How does a male hamster attract a female hamster?

It is ususally a female hamster that attracts a male. If you want them together is suggest you have a piece of cardboard to seperate them if they fight. The male will sniff the female. if the female allows it then it is probably ok.

Can a female hamster mate with a male hamster?
