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i use kneecap to my knee .

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Q: How do you put kneecap in a sentence?
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How do you spell kneecap?

You have spelled it correctly, kneecap. A kneecap is the patella.

What is the purpose of kneecap removal?

When the kneecap is fractured or shattered. When the kneecap dislocates easily and repeatedly. When degenerative arthritis of the kneecap causes extreme pain.

When is kneecap removal performed?

The kneecap is fractured or shattered. The kneecap dislocates easily and repeatedly. Degenerative arthritis of the kneecap causes extreme pain.

Does the kneecap have a nickname?

'kneecap' IS the nickname (for patella)

What is the kneecap medical term?

"Patella" is another name for the kneecap. "Patellar" means pertaining to the kneecap.

Is the patella a muscle?

The patella is a bone (specifically, the kneecap).

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the kneecap?

Kneecap removal, or patellectomy, is the surgical removal of the patella, commonly called the kneecap.

What is a sentence using the word chondromalacia?

Chondromalacia means an abnormal appearance of cartilage, especially of the kneecap. The doctor noticed chondromalacia at the joints.

What is another word for kneecap is?

Patella is another word for kneecap.

What do you do to fracture your kneecap?

Once way to fracture your kneecap is by turning too fast or too far to one side. When this happens your kneecap will at first dislocate. When the kneecap pops back into place it is possible for the kneecap to slide against another bone and cause a fracture.