

How do you raise a Phoenix rooster?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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phoenix roosters are the same as any other rooster really. but Phoenix roosters are known to lovee baths i have never owned one personally but many people have told me the samee thing we are all in a club called the Phoenix roosters of Washington they hatch and they cluck whats new, hopee this info helps

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The Rooster.Do not mistake this with 'chicken' or '鸡' because the rooster is closely associated with the phoenix, a mythical and more grand figure.

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Banty is short for Bantam. The old folks back in the day just always call Bantam Roosters, "banty" roosters. In addition this term is used to describe the behavior of some short men who may tend to walk with a swagger and adopt a somewhat exaggerated male posture. They are called banty roosters after the bantam rooster both because of their size and because their behavior can "out-rooster" the more standard sized rooster. Bantams are about 1/4 the size of what is considered a "regular" chicken. They are sometimes referred to as domestic game birds. Most people raise them as pets, unfortunately there are those who still raise and use them to fight. A Banty rooster will try with all his might to mate a standard hen. Whether he can actually make the connection to fertilize eggs is a whole nother question.

What do you call a rooster voice?

A rooster crows.