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You dye them again! It usually takes 3 or 4 times to work though.

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Q: How do you recover clothes washed off color?
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the $hit on your clothes that's being washed off

Can ringworm be washed off clothes?

Ringworm is a parasite and it will die without a host. It can spread from animals to man or from man to man.

Does bleach remove liquid paper from clothes easily?

No, but it will remove the color instantly. Unless you are trying to get it off of something white, it will only ruin it. Better to use finger nail polish remover. The polish remover then can be washed with soap and water.

Why do you use robin blue when you wash white clothes?

To make slightly off-white color whiter. White clothes get a slight yellow colour after repeated use and wash, adding a trace of blue color to the slightly off-white color of these clothes makes them appear whiter. Use as an alternative to bleaching of whites

How do you remove old semen stain from clothes?

Semen is a protein stain- if you have washed the clothing in hot water or put it into the dryer, it is unlikely to ever come off. If the clothes haven't been washed, uses a pretreatment like OxyClean. Then soak the clothing in cold water for 20 minutes before washing it.

Can you put colors in with whites if they are just tee shirts washed in cold water?

This is how i think of it, I just separate all the new clothes from the old clothes, then I put in all the old clothes in one load of laundry (The colors dont bleed so it wont really matter) and with the newer clothes, I use this sheet called The Color Catcher, which is a sheet (Just like a dryer one) that you put in the washer and at the end, it catches all the run-off colors!

Can nail polish come off clothes?

Yes, but some fabrics will loose some of its color when you try.

How do you get oil pastel off clothes?

use mineral stuff and then rub dish soap on it then wash it regularly

How do you get scabies off the beds?

All clothes, bedding, and towels used by the infested person 2 days before treatment should be washed in hot water; dry in a hot dryer.

What to do when mobile is washed off?

it breaks

Can you wash it off after you kissed a cold sore?

No; it can not be washed off.

Can poison ivy stay on clothing?

yes it can. it can stay on your clothes for up to 12 to 72 hours before it comes off