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try salt mixed with oil and eucalyptus

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Q: How do you remove friars balsam from a hard surface?
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What is use to remove old paint from a surface?

I found out that Rubbing alcohol will remove dried latex paint on hard wood floors.

How does one remove Stickiness on a plastic surface added by a strong tape?

You can wash it with soap. If it is still to sticky you can rub it on a really hard rough surface and then wash it again.

Why is it difficult to remove an air sucker pressed to a surface?

It is difficult to remove an air sucker because the vacuum created between the sucker and the surface creates a strong suction force that holds it firmly in place. Breaking the seal and releasing the vacuum requires a certain amount of force and technique.

How do you remove old permanent marker off hard plastic surface?

Try white vinegar, or WD40, or lemon juice, or sunscreen.

What is the hard surface of tooth called?

The hard surfce on the surface of a tooth is enamel.

What do you use to remove rear view mirror glue from the metal slide and the mirror base?

Place a piece of emery paper on a hard flat surface and rub the mirror base base across the surface

How can you use surface in a sentence?

this surface is hard

How do you remove dry sunscreen from an Xbox CD?

Rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball, be carefull not to rub to hard because the cotton could scratch the surface.

How hard is Mars surface?

Mars' surface is rocky and rugged, similar to some desert landscapes on Earth. It is covered with a layer of regolith, which is a combination of dust and rocky material. The surface can be challenging to navigate due to its uneven terrain and occasional dust storms.

What forms circles on the surface of a hard disk?

Tracks form circles on the surface of a hard disk

When you remove a hard drive does it remove the programs as well?

No. They will stay on the hard drive.

What is the meaning of hard-faced?

a hard or strong surface