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Soak them in a weak de-scaler: as always test a small area first.

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Q: How do you remove hard water deposits from a vinyl pool covers?
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Should you leave the vinyl pool cover on when using a solar blanket or does the pool cover above the solar blanket hinder the solar blanket's performance?

Remove the vinyl cover when using a solar blanket to warm the water. If the vinyl cover is used at the same time as the solar blanket, the vinyl cover absorbs most of the heat and then transfers the heat into the air or water between the vinyl cover and the solar blanket. Then the heat transfers to the solar blanket and then, finally, into the water. When this happens, a lot of heat remains in the vinyl cover and air/water between the two covers instead of getting into the water. It is preferable to have the heat absorbed by the solar cover and then transfer directly into the water. Hope this helps... Too much redundancy in pool covers.

Why should water purifiers should be cleaned and serviced on regular basis?

The water purifiers should be cleaned and serviced on a regular basis to remove the water deposits. The water purifiers should be cleaned and serviced on a regular basis to remove the deposits left by the purified water.

How do you remove aerosol residue from your vinyl bathroom floor?

The best thing to use to remove aerosol residue from a vinyl floor is baking soda and water. Lemon juice can also be used.

How do you remove calcium deposits out of the actual water?

Well . . . there are no calcium deposits in water, there is only calcium. The deposits happen on things that the water falls on, then dries. What is left is a deposit. To remove the calcium (and magnesium) from water, you run the water through a tank full of little beads of "Filtersord". Most water purifiers use this along with charcoal, which removes bits of dust, and so forth.

How do you remove yellowing from vinyl flooring?

yellowing in vinyl usually means the plasticizes in the product have reacted to something ie. water or solvent. this yellowing can not be removed sorry.

How do you remove water based paint from vinyl floor?

Soften it with Goof Off, then scrape it with a wood spatula.

What should you use to remove a stain from a white soft vinyl toilet seat?

Hot water and bleach

Can you remove cement from vinyl siding?

If the cement is not too old, try water and a soft scrub brush.

How do you remove oil based paint from vinyl trim?

You will have to use a solvent. Try Goof-Off, the water based type might work and will do the least damage to the vinyl trim. All harsh solvents will damage vinyl.

How do you dissolve or remove salt deposits crust from a water closet using chemicals?

Buy a new toilet

What is the best pool table cover for the money?

This is subjective. There are few manufacturers of pool table covers to choose from. A good pool table cover is water-proof, preventing any spills from reaching the table surface. For this reason, most pool table covers are of vinyl. The good table covers have cloth backing and are of heavy gauge vinyl. With normal proper handling, these can last a lifetime.

How do you remove ladybug poop from vinyl railings?

Remove the messy stuff with a tissue. Apply a solution of household bleach and water mixed 2:1, leave for 10 minutes, wipe and rinse with clean water.